❅ 2: Locked in Winx Suite

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A little while later, we stood in Dowling's office waiting by the entrance that led to the secret lower level of the school.

Stella had already clued Bloom and me into the plan on the way over to Dowlings office, so when Bloom walked in with another redhead, whom I assumed to be Beatrix, we were ready. Stella immediately fazed herself out of sight with a wave of her hand, an action that had utterly dumbfounded me the first time I'd seen it.

Beatrix was small, but she walked confidently to the entrance staring into it, "Once Dane gets here, we can push him through."

"Seems a bit harsh using him to spring the trap," Bloom quipped.

"He'll be game," Beatrix lolled her head nonchalantly, "Or he won't, and we'll do it anyway."

"What about you? Are you game?" Bloom's ominous tone caused Beatrix to wheel on her, her confusion apparent.

In a split second, Stella materialized out of thin air and shoved Beatrix through the mystical trap from behind.

"That was much more satisfying than a flowerpot. See?" Stella smiled down at Beatrix's shivering form, "Break out the villain to get what Bloom wants and then trap her again. Simple, my ideas rock."

"Is she gonna be okay?" Terra asked as the others sidestepped and headed into the cellar.

I joined her in front of Beatrix before placing my hand on her forehead and closing my eyes, beginning to channel my magic. Bloom had mentioned that the trap in the entrance was some sort of charm that froze you from the inside without killing you. In an instant, my eyes shot open, the blue glow from my eyes lighting the dark hall. I could feel her veins beginning to freeze. With a deep breath, I slowed the process and guided the charm away from her heart.

Removing my hand from her head, I stepped back up where Terra stood, "She'll be fine. We'll come back for her after finding Rosalind."

We hurried over to join the others where Stella stood waiting for us with an annoyed expression, holding a ball of light in her left hand to illuminate the tunnel.

I walked in tandem with Musa while Terra and Stella took the rear, "So you're a mind fairy, huh? That sounds pretty cool, being able to read people's minds and stuff."

"Yeah, I am, but it's not as cool as you'd think. You're never able to just focus on your own thoughts and emotions because you're dealing with everyone else's."

"Actually, yeah, that doesn't sound so great."

Musa chuckled before stopping as Bloom slowed down, handing her a flashlight. She stared at a small door that probably led to the cellar that housed Rosalind's stasis chamber.

"Everything I've been looking for is right through that door."

"We'll be here when you come out," Musa told Bloom before she headed in.

Moments that felt like hours passed before Terra spoke up, "Bloom's been in there a long time. What could they be talking about?"

"I once heard you talk about dirt for two hours," Stella said, rolling her eyes, "Dirt. Two hours."

"It was soil," Terra retorted, "We just left Beatrix lying there in Miss Dowling's office. I just wanna make sure she's not awake, fashioning four shivs."

"Don't be ridiculous," Musa laughed, "It'll be one shiv four times. Stab, stab, stab-"

"Can we just go and check, please?"

"I actually want to go check, too, because that charm wasn't as strong as it seems. She could've escaped by now."

"Fine, but you guys are overreacting," Stella finally agreed.

Winter Boys ~Riven ❅ Fate the Winx SagaWhere stories live. Discover now