❅ 11: Truth Hurts

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Song of the Chapter; Cough Syrup by Young the Giant 


"This doesn't make any sense," I shook my head in disbelief, sitting across from Nerissa in one of the vacant tables in the bakery, "How could I still be alive if Queen Luna herself gave the order for my death? How can we even be sure that this is me?"

"It is you," Nerissa's eyes glowed a soft blue as she channeled, causing static electricity to buzz and crackle around my head, "I can feel the outlines of your face in the air every time you move; you have the same bone structure."

"She's right," Riven added, sliding his phone onto the table in front of me, "You look just like him."

A photo of a man who appeared to be in his mid to late thirties was displayed on the cracked screen. I suddenly felt lightheaded looking at the picture of my father- if I could even call him that. We shared all of the same facial features; the same chestnut brown hair, blue-green eyes, and high nose bridge; we even had similar smiles.

I scrolled through photo after photo, unable to believe my own eyes. There was no contesting it. Prince Orion Vi Solaria was my birth father.

"Did he-" I paused not exactly sure what emotion it was that I was feeling, "Did he know about me?"

"He was there when it happened, when she took you away," I could see all of the past hurt in Nerissa's eyes as she spoke, "He did nothing."

Stella stood up suddenly, her chair clattering loudly from the force of her movement, "All of this is just too much. If this is true, do you understand the kind of scandal that this could cause?"

"It is true," Nerissa insisted, "Princess, trust me, this is not something that even I want to relive. After everything happened I couldn't go back to school or even go home, I had to start an entirely new life on my own."

Stella rubbed her temples in frustration, "How have I never heard about this?"

"Looks like mum doesn't tell her poor little daughter everything," Riven patronized, "Believe it or not, the whole world does not revolve around you."

"Riven, could you not be a total ass for like two seconds?" Stella seemed to frustrated to even hurl any insults back at him.

"No, because you are making this about you and it's not. Soren's had what, all of twenty minutes to process this news and somehow you are a victim in this?" Riven pressed on, his own eyes blazing with irritation.

"Riv, Stella, it's okay just please stop fighting. I don't even know what to think of all this right now," I sighed, "let's just go back to Alfea. There's really nothing else to do."

I looked over to Nerissa, "This didn't happen how I'd always pictured it, you know? I'd always figured I'd walk into a warm, happy home but I'm just... confused."

"This is a lot to hear at once, Soren. And it may be strange to hear but I am your mother. You can always just give me call or come visit if there's anything you want to know. I understand that you have your own life outside of all of this, so I don't expect you to want to get to know me. But if you do, i'm here." She reached her hand out to touch mine and squeezed it.

"Uh, thank you." I smiled before remembering that she couldn't see me anyways, "I think I'll take you up on that-"

"Before we go, there's just something I need to know," Stella cut in brashly.

"And what would that be?"

"Why would Luna kill the baby? Why not just put him in an orphanage or take him herself?"

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