❅ 15: Double Crosses and Deception

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Song of the Chapter; Plus de sens by Angèle 


"Maybe a little more off of the sides," The stylist tilted my head to the right at Stella's direction.

From the second I'd stepped foot into Castle Ursa, Luna had planned out my every move. Fittings for the live broadcast, formal etiquette training, a run-through of tonight's events, and finally last minute touch-ups. I'd been so exhausted when the end of the day finally came that I'd fallen asleep as soon as my head touched the pillow. When I woke up this morning in this ginormous bedroom it had taken a minute for all of the previous day's events to dawn on me. I didn't feel nearly comfortable enough to call the room I was in 'my room' mostly because it felt like a modern torture chamber. While the gold-adorned chairs, hand-embroidered drapes, and imposing canopy bed didn't exactly scream dungeon, the set of guards she had patrolling my doors at all hours of the day definitely did.

Stella beamed into the mirror at her handiwork as the stylist began to clip away at my hair again. Luna had stressed the importance of making sure that I looked as much like Orion as possible so that we could divert questions about who my mother was when they eventually came.

"So, itinerary," Stella started, "The official induction isn't televised but the presentation to the citizens and the dinner afterward are."

"Well that's slightly less pressure... I guess," I said watching as the stylist made her final snip and slid the scissors into her bag before excusing herself.

"Thank you!" I called out to her as she hastily exited my room.

"You know you don't have to do that right, she gets paid to do that," Stella bent down to inspect her own reflection in the mirror.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to completely forgo my manners," I said back to her, "It's just the right thing to do."

Before she could respond, my phone began to vibrate at the edge of the table and I snatched it up reading the contact name. The relief I'd felt seeing Riven's name was inexplicable as I answered the call. I hadn't had a chance to check on him since I'd arrived and as of this morning he'd still been asleep according to Sky.


"Hey, you," His voice was gruff and gravelly, like he'd just woken up, "I feel like I got ran over by a semi truck three times, what the fuck happened last night?"

Shit. It was just my luck that Sky hadn't gotten to him as soon as he'd gotten up. He was most likely helping Bloom pack to leave campus.

"You got into a fight with Marco remember? And that was two days ago," I watched Stella move uncomfortably behind me as if she wasn't eavesdropping in on my conversation.

"Two days ago? Was I out for that long?" His tone revealed his surprise, "Either way i fucking gave it to Marco. Did you see those double hand combos I was throwing?"

I rolled my eyes. Only he would brag about being in an altercation that he didn't win because he'd been able to incorporate his training, "Did you see all of those beer bottles I picked up from your room in the recycling? I'm surprised all you have is a hangover and achiness."

"Yeah, yeah, thanks Dad," He said in a mocking tone,"Where are you anyway? Come over I want to see you,"

His statement sent a rush of heat through me that started up in my head before straying down lower.

"Riv, I-" I hesitated, not exactly overjoyed to have to break the news to him through the phone, "I'm not at school."

"What? Then where are you?"

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