❅ 5: Static Shock

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 "Wait, so you were like a figure skater? Doing like triple jumps and shit?" Riven asked, running his free hand through his hair and using his other to prop himself up on a pillow.

"As ironic as it sounds, yes, but only until I was twelve. After that, I switched to speed skating and did that until last year." I replied, shuffling over to face him.

The sun's fragmented rays peeked through the small openings of my drapes, tickling the edges of my eyes and making me squint to see Riven's face. His eyes were a vibrant shade green that I'd gotten a high-definition view of earlier when he was... well, you know. We'd spent the rest of the time afterward talking; about Alfea, the first world, and my newfound friends. Riven didn't seem to like anyone outside of a select few specialists, and even them he could only just tolerate.

Our legs were still tangled together under my comforter before he pushed himself up and slid out of my bed, the muscles in his back flexing as he stretched before reaching down to pick up his phone. I watched him pick it up and press the power button waiting for it to switch on. His movements were so smooth, so precise, like someone who had complete control over their body.

"Fuck," He hissed suddenly, glaring at the time beaming up through the light of his phone, "I have to run back to my dorm and get a shower in before warm-ups."

I reached over for my own phone, its screen illuminating as I tilted it up, "Specialist practices start at five-thirty?"

"On the dot," He replied, beginning to shrug on his clothes, "And although I already got a pretty good workout in with you already, I don't think Silva would take that as a good enough reason for me playing truant today."

The heat rushed to my face as Riven pulled on his jacket and reached down to grab his shoes.

"I guess I'll see you out," I said, reaching for a shirt and a pair of shorts in my suitcase before getting out of my bed to slip them on.

I sidled past him to the door and slid it open, before leading him to the double-doored entrance to our common room.

"So," he said, standing by the doors and gazing at me intently.

"So," I replied, hugging my arms to my chest.

He chuckled before opening the door and walking out, "I want to see more of you, Soren, I'm serious and not in that sense-"

"I get what you mean, Riven," I mused, trying not to laugh, "And I'm down."

"Cool, when are you free today?"

"Well, I'm supposed to start tutoring with Marco today around three, but it shouldn't take that long, so how about any time after five o'clock?"

"That's perfect, look out for a text from me later," He said, clearly satisfied with my answer before leaning forward to kiss me on the cheek and starting down the hallway in a jog.

I smiled to myself, biting my lip as I watched his figure get smaller and small the further he made it down the hallway. Once he'd completely gone, I shut the door and turned to head back to my room, only to run into Grey.

"Hey..." I said awkwardly, desperately hoping that he hadn't seen Riven leave my room. I was still new, and there was already enough conversation around without adding 'sleeping with a specialist on my first day' to the list.

"Hey, Soren," he said, adjusting his sword as he made his way over to me, "So I see you've gotten close with Riven huh?"

Fuck, I thought to myself as a deep sigh escaped me.

"You saw us yesterday, too, didn't you?"

"Saw you, heard you... you guys weren't exactly quiet." Grey looked like he was trying hard not to laugh at me.

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