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Doctor: Mrs.yagi I have good news and bad news which should I say first,

Inko: well can you give me the bad news first doctor,

Doctor: well Izuku doesn't have a quirk,

When Izuku gets the word he froze and the Allmight figure fell from his hands,

Doctor: but the good news is Izumi has awakened a powerful version of your telekinetic quirk, said the doctor with a smile looking at Izumi

Izuku Yagi was heartbroken when the doctor told him that he would never have a quirk and his dream of becoming a hero shattered,

He looked at his mother who was hugging his twin sister Izumi who had awakened a powerful telekinetic quirk the enhanced version of his mother,

Not wanting to ruin their happiness Izuku stood there silently and sobbed and returned to the car when he returned home he hopped that his father would give him some compassion but boy was he wrong

When he came home he saw his father walking in a circle nervously and when he heard the door opening he looked at his wife happy and smiled,

Toshinori: Inko tell me that they awakened their quirk,

Inko: well Izuku is quirkless, but Izumi on the other hand has awakened a powerful version of my quirk said Inko happily,

Toshinori appily raised his daughter and praised his daughter and kissed her on the forehead while he didn't notice the crying and broken Izuku walking to his room

Izuku: they are just happy she has a quirk and will come and calm me down after some time,

He then played the video of Allmight saving people from disaster and thought of the words of Allmight that anyone can become a hero and, motivated himself that he can still become a hero and waited for his parents,
But they never came, On that night in the yagi household everyone slept happily except Izuku who was still waiting for his parents, But he still told himself that they still loved him,

But that's the final day he felt some sort of happiness but didn't know that his life would become a living hell,

The next morning when he went to get some breakfast he found only three plates on the dining table, when he asked his mother

Inko: sorry dear I forgot about you could you take your breakfast from the kitchen,

But Izuku was too small to reach the food so he had to take the stool from his room to get his food, when he got ready for school from his room and when he got ready for he found that his mother has already left him and taken Izuku to school,

He froze and dragged his body to his school which was a mile away from his home, and when he got to school his teacher scolded him for being late and he went to his seat.

At the playground Izuku was playing in the sandbox when he saw his friends coming toward him, he waved at them smilingly,

Katsuki: hey Izuku you still want to become a hero even though you are quirkless, he asked with a smirk

Izuku: yes! He said with a smile but was met with an explosion to his face, he yelled in pain and tears fell, from his eyes he looked at the laughing katsuki.

Izuku: kacchan why are you being mean, He asked while crying.

Izumi: Shutup you quirkless freak don't talk back to us, she said as she used her quirk to throw Izuku from the sandbox to the ground,

Izuku groaned and cried from pain and he thought of running away but he felt his legs being frozen, when he looked up he saw shoto and shoka using their quirk to freeze his legs and Katsumi and katsuki coming towards him,

HERO SYSTEM OF IZUKUWhere stories live. Discover now