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izuku woke up in a hospital bed and saw a raging grandpa and grandma, he gulped in fear

Torino - what in the gods name where you thinking of taking a villain all by yourself?

RG - you young man are in so much trouble,

after a hour of lecture they left izuku and said that he has a visitor, his room door opened and a beautiful black hair as her eyes showed worry as she entered the room, Following the girl was a man and a older version of the girl,

????- how are you felling young man,

Izuku - I good sir just a little stiff, he said as he rotated his arms while smiling,

????- that's good to hear, I'm fugo yayorozu this is my wife nami yaorozu, you have our gratitude young man for saving our daughter, he said as both the couples bowed,

Izuku immediately jumps from the bed and helped the couples up

Izuku - there is no need for you for that, I just did what I thought was right and I'm training to be a hero and if I'm I don't help a girl in need of saving then I might as well quit now,

Hearing this both the couple smiled while the girl stood silently at the side,

Fugo- momo why are you standing there silently come and thank the young man,

Momo - I can't express in words how grateful I am thank you for saving me from the man, she said as she bowed, Izuku just smiled and waved saying it alright,

Fugo - young man you have risked your life to save my little girl I wish to show you my gratitude, he said as he reached out to his pocket,

Fugo - this might not be much but it is to show you our gratitude, he said as he gave a million yen check to izuku,

Izuku shook his head - there is no need for this mr.yaorozu, like I said I just what a hero would do, he said as he pushed the cheque back to fugo, Fugo looked at this and laughed

Fugo - I'm starting to like you more young man, not only did you save my daughter, you also stood your ground even when I gave you a million yen, that shows your noble character, he said as he patted izuku shoulder who stood there smiling,

Nami - dear I think you should stop patting him or else you might break a bone,

she said smiling and also amazed by izuku, as her husband would rarely laugh and would always put a poker face since he had deal with his business,

Fugo - right right, it has been a while since I laughed like this,

Izuku - then you should laugh often mr,yayorozu as laughter is a good medicine for life, Fugo laughed again

Fugo - now young man there is no need to be so formal you can call me uncle fugo If you want,

Izuku - then you have to call me izuku uncle fugo,

Fugo - alright izuku I want you to take the money, don't think it as a reward but as a gift from you uncle, he said smiling,

Izuku - then i accept, but I want to donate this money to a quirkless orphanage can you help me with that uncle, he asked smilingly

Fugo was stunned for a moment and a genuine smile came in his face, he nodded and izuku had a good chat with all of them,

Izuku - miss,yarorozu what where you doing in the alley anyway, he asked but soon regret asking it, momo face dulled,

Momo - I was going to collect some books to study so I can use my quirk properly but that man forced me into the alley and he was going to force me and that's when you came,

Fugo - and that's why I don't want you to go anywhere without any protection, if not for izuku here what would have happened to you, he ask with a hint of anger,

Momo - I-I'm sorry papa, she said with a sad tone, izuku looked at the sad momo and knew what was going on,

Uncle - uncle if you don't mind can I say something, fugo nodded,

Izuku - I think she is not the one to blame, but if there is someone who is to blame that would be you, which confused all the yayorozu,

Fugo - my I ask why you said that izuku?, he asked confused

Izuku - with all due respect uncle you are the one who put you daughter in danger, from what I saw its seems you didn't let your daughter go anywhere without a bodyguard right?, Fugo nodded

Izuku - and you will always deny everytime she wanted to go out alone or hang out with her friends without your monetering right?, fugo was about to refute,

Izuku - answer truth fully uncle, as he stared at fugo, fugo was unable to say anything as all izuku said was true,

Izuku - you always protecting her from the the pain the world will cause her, but have you ever thought of how it would fell to be caged in a golden cage where you can have everything and nothing,

Fugo looked at momo who hung her head low and was on the verge of tears, which made him understand that while he was trying to protect her little girl from the world he was also taking her happiness away from her life, he hung his head low after the realization, then a hand held his shoulder,

Izuku - uncle don't feel upset it a parent duty to protect their kids from harms way, but it is also a parent dudty to prepare them for the world and make them face challenges that life will throw at them, he said with a smile,

Fugo was amazed by his new nephew words, he let out a chuckle and patted his head,

Fugo - Izuku thank you for everything you have said and it made me realise how much I have let my love for my daughter blind me from realizing that I was the holding her back,

Fugo stood up and went to momo who was sobbing silently,

Fugo - momo I..I am sorry, whe momo herd her father tears came running form her eyes as she hugged her father, nami also had tears in her eyes but was smiling happily and looked at izuku with gratitude,

Izuku felt happy that he was able to help also felt sad whe see momo parents while he remembered his own, he just shook his head to let the memories fade from his mind,

Izuku - what is your dream miss,yayorozu,

Momo - momo,

Izuku - Huh?

Momo - call me momo, she said with a smile, izuku nodded and smiled,

Momo - my dream is to become a hero to help people in need, she said with a genuine smile which made her parents fell happy,

Izuku - the I suggest you to take some martial arts traing to train your body, he suggested

Izuku - as my uncle always says you can not be a hero with one trick in the bag, he said as he laughed which made the others laugh as well,

They momo and izuku chatted for a while and most time it was izuku suggesting her how she could train her body and ways to improve her quirk, at the end of the say both of them were happy to finally have a friend,

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