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Izuku had been practicing for the last few days of how to activate his quirk and control his out put even old torino was surprised when he used OFA I his words he was now able to use 20% of OFA but izuku didn't correct his grandpa and shrugged it off

Now izuku was ready for momo birthday party also momo informed him that a limo will be picking him up, he only had to wait for a few minutes and his ride came,

He also bought a pair of earrings for momo and couple of books on atomic structuring, when he reached momo home his mouth hung low when see the huge gate and fence, after identifying
Himself he was escorted into the estate,

The whole path was light up with lights and colourful flowers and when he reached the front of the mansion he composed himself and gave his invention to the butler who escorted him in,

When he entered the ball room he found a lot people were present a he could even identify some business magnets, even though they are not in same level of his uncle fugo they fo carry some weight around,

Izuku also saw his uncle with a polite smile talking to people, but if one took a closer look one could see he was seriously bored, he chuckled and went towards his uncle

Izuku - hello uncle fugo, greeted izuku,

Fugo - ah izuku welcome my boy, excuse me, he politely said to the people around him and made his way towards izuku and took him to a quiet corner, fugo swiped his forehead with his hand,

Fugo - thank god you came izuku I was starting to loose my mind, he let a breath and looked at izuku as his saviour,

Izuku - well if you are bored why don't you excuse yourself and goo on,

Fugo - If only things were that simple, people like me have to put on a face to keep our image but it is so irritating but I have no choice he sighed,

Fugo - anyway you here for momo right she is actually getting ready so I'll keep you company,

Izuku - you mean you don't want to be dragged into a boring conversation again right he said with a chuckle, fugo also made a chuckle

After a half an hour the lights suddenly went off and a spot light was placed towards a door and as the door opened izuku was mesmerized he saw momo wearing a princes gown and had a lose hair with a princess crown on top her head, seeing izuku reaction fugo chuckled and made fake cough which made izuku broke out if his state,

Izuku saw the sly smile on fugo face and had a bad promination he dragged izuku with him and went to the centre of the stage, when momo saw izuku her eyes lit up which made all the boys jealous,

Fugo felt he was going to become a father in law sooner, but he felt it more comfortable leaving momo in izuku hands rather than some random bastard, if it was izuku he would only break one of his legs,

If it was the Izuku from the past was nervous from all the attention he is getting, but somehow izuku felt nothing and confidently went towards the stage,

Izuku - Happy birthday momo, he said while giving his signature thousand watts smile,

Everyone - tooo bright!,

Momo - thank you zuzu, she said with a pleasant smile which moved a lot of young boys hearts,

Then all people started to wish momo and then izuku saw a huge cake was brought to the stage and momo blew the candel and the birthday was going pleasantly,

???? - hello mr fugo?,figo turned around saw who was calling him,

Fugo - hello mr todoroki how are you doing,

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