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* congratulations for host to unlock the Hero system*

* host currently in critical condition *

* host unconscious *

* initiating recovery sequence *

* estimated recovery time - 3 hrs*

* time remaining - 02:59:58 hrs*

Izuku was left to rest in his bed and the staff were informed to not disturb him unless checking on his condition and that's why they unable to see the miracle happening right under there nose,

Izuku body is currently going rapid reconstruction that his bones which were shattered were starting to join like a magnet is pulling them together and his internal and external injuries were being healed in a faster phase than any human without a self regeneration or a healing quirk,

* after three hours*

* host has fully recovered*

* host still unconscious initiating neural kickstart protocal*

Suddenly izuku in hospital bed groaned in pain and woke up , he felt a huge pain in his head as if a electric current went through his brain, he clutched his head and waited for the pain to subdue,

He looked around to see that he was in a hospital and was connected to a life support machine, he looked at himself and found that all his injuries were healed even his old ones,

Izuku - so even death doesn't want me huh?, he made fun of himself,

* requesting host to stop his negative thoughts *

Suddenly izuku yelled a little by the sudden voice, he looked around to find there was no one there,

Izuku - w-whose there?, he asked in fear,

* requesting host not to panic and I'm you hero system here to help you become earth mightiest hero*

When he heard those izuku suddenly felt that he had went to heaven and this was some kind of thing that heaven does to make you feel happy, he thought himself,

* assuring host is currently alive and well, system helped host to recover from his injuries*

When he heard that he was still alive and this hero system was able to heal from his mortal wounds, he felt shocked to his core and he was also curious of this system,

Izuku - what are you? In a curious tone,

* answering host - heros system was born the time you came into the world and the system has to make sure the host is worthy for the system, so the system has given host a quest to survive for 8 years without the system and host has survived, *

* so the system unlocked itself and helped host to recover and now will help host to walk in the path of the mightiest hero*

When izuku heard those last word tears started to fell from his eyes as all his life his dream of being a hero, but every body said that it was impossible for him to become as hero and they made fun of him and beaten him, then broken him both physically and mentally, he even tried to kill him self,

but if not for the system he would have really died and was really grateful that he finally had a chance to achieve his dream, but suddenly he words of his father came to him he felt the joy disappear from his heart,

" you can't become a hero"

* found host was having depression initiating a mental scan and host emotional health....found host remembering a unhappy even in life*

HERO SYSTEM OF IZUKUWhere stories live. Discover now