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(Izuku POV)

I was currently crying from how good it felt to eat a proper food after all these years and I gobeled it up while the nurse chuckled and gave me more food and after eating three people serving I finally patted my stomach in satisfaction and felt greatful for the nurse

As I always either ate a half meal or starved on my own since I could get any money to buy me something to fix myself a proper meal, even though the store owner helped me I was unable to fill my belly in the past which resulted me getting weak and scrony,

the I herd the door opening, I saw a man who seemed to be suffering from insomania and a old short man in a casual cloth walking in with a hybrid of a mouse, a dog and a bear who wore a suit,

I looked at the hybrid curiously while it looked at me after a stalemate, it suddenly lauged in a human voice,

Nezu - it seems like you are doing well izuku, it said with a smile,

Izuku - WHAT THE HECK?, I yelled in fright and saw the others amusing chuckle, then immediately apologized for my behaviour,

Nezu - that totally fine my boy, let me introduce myself i'm nezu the principle of UA, he said with a smile and he held out his hand for a handshake,

I froze when I heard that he was the principle of UA and he is currently standing before me, i went to take him hands but my hands were trembling from nervousness, but when he garbed my hand he smiled and nodded,

Torino - how are you doing there kid my name is Tornio sorahiko, i'm also your grandfather, he said with a smile, i was aware that i had a grandpa but never meet him due to my trashy parents, i was unsure of what i should do , but i saw grandpa reaching his arms and gave me a hug,

i felt the warmth from him i felt secured and happy and unknowingly i hugged him back and tears came from my eyes which made old torino smile, i let go of him with a smile,

aizawa - my name is shouta aizawa and i'm your uncle, he said with a grin and locked my head with his arms and gave a noggy, although it hurt, i could still fell his warmth from his heart, i jut held my head but smiled, i also felt cool to have Pro hero eraser head as my uncle,

RG- sorry for yelling at you izuku i'm chiyo sorahiko and i'm you grandmother she greted and gave me a hug like grandpa and i hugged her back and let her go after a while,

i suddenly felt my heart betting warmly as i looked at them and i felt like i got something back which was taken from me,

Nezu - now that we introduce ourselves let us take a moment to chat about you izuku, he said as he pointed towards the door,

we sat together and nezu explained to me the situation of the twins bakugos and todorokis and there punishments, i listened patientely and i felt oddly sad for them,

and he also told me that my father as i used to call him decided to transfer OFA to me, but i suddenly felt a rage from the bottom of my heart, everyone could see the change in my look when they mentioned him

torino - well i can't blame him for getting angry after what he had been through, he thought to himself and sighed, the others were having the same thought,

torino - izuku let me tell you how toshinori got the OFA and he explained to me that my dad used to quirkless to me and then he met his master nana who saw somekind of potential in him and trained him to inherit OFA and died during a attack from a villan,

when i herd those story i felt my hatred towards my father growing inside me,

izuku - if he knew what it felt like to be quirkless then why would he treat me like that, he asked himself, the anger and hatred was visible to everyone present in the room,

torino - izuku we know that you have a quirk and a powerful one at that but we want you to inherit OFA, he said with a hint of anger in his voice, even though he was angry it was not focused on me,

izuku - grandpa if you knew what had happened to me then do you really think that i would take anything that basterd give me?!, he asked in a angry tone,

torino - izuku wasn't his in the first place for him to give it to you, he said calmly,

torino - izuku not only was Nana his master she was also you grandmother, inko was her daughter and grew up with your father and when she died she only asked him to give OFA to a worthy successor, but the guy was over his head because of his fame and title that he forgot his own roots, said granpa in a disappointed tone,

izuku - i wonder what grandma nana actually saw in him, he wondered and thought to himself,

torino - izuku i asked you to take OFA from him not because of pity but because of your wortheness, he said as he patted izuku

RG - izuku OFA was left by your grandma to him as she found him worthy to bear it and create a better future for the people, even though he had become the symbol of peace and saved a lot of people he became obsessed with your sister that he didn't even test her if she was worthy

RG - he didn't even took time to even know what Izumi was doing to you or her classmates and let his personal fellings overtake him,

Torino - Nana would be rolling in her grave if she knew how he treated her grandson just because he was diagnoised as quirkless, he said with an angry tone,

torino - but you on the other hand izuku even though you didn't have a quirk you still defended others from izumi and her friends bullying and still stood to your ideals even when you were facing problems which would make adults cry in despair,

torino - you didn't even thought for a second when you saw the bakugo twins were taken by the villan and still fought him when the other heros were watching from the sidelines, not only did you show courage and selflessness, you showed to the world what it meant to be a hero, he said with a proud smile,

izuku felt his eyes tearing as he finally felt his effort were not in vain and it meant something,

torino - izuku I want you to become the successor of your grandmother and give people like you the hope they need, Izuku looks up at his grandpa eyes,

izuku - YES.

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