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izuku was peacefully sleeping in his until a women scream woke him up, he opened his eyes to see a women clutcuing the medical sheet and looking at him as if she was seeing a ghost

Izuku was confused at first but he realized that he was in death bed yesterday and seeing him fully healed would shock anyone with the right mind,

Izuku - umm... miss there is no need to screaming at me, he said with a chuckle,

Nurse - H-H-HOW ARE YOU ALIVE, she asked in a frightened scared voice,

Izuku - miss I am exactly not sure myself and it's kind of rude you know, he said with a nervous smile,

Nurse then made a fake cough and composed herself and called RG who was baffled by the nurse statement, she even asked her if she was okay and consume any drugs, which made the nurse embarrassed,

The nurse assured RG that she didn't take any drug, hearing her claim RG was intrigued and came as soon as possible,

Nurse - recovery girl right this way, she said as she her guided izuku room,

When recovery girl entered izuku room her mouth hung low as izuku was currently doing pushups while sweet covered his body and the nurse had a sly smile in her face seeing the shocked reaction of RG,

half an Hour earlier

izuku - You want me to do what?

* As system had said to the host, host has do his daily quest*

izuku - I'm currently in recovery,

* system reminds host that it helped host fully recover*

izuku was unable to make any comment on that, since he is recovered then he should start training as the UA entrance test was only 2 year way from him, it may seem like a long time but for izuku who has yet to get know of his powers every second count as other already had a head start on him,

Izuku - show me the daily quest,

*Loading daily quest*

* push ups - 20

pull ups - 20

Squats - 25

jumping jacks - 2 minutes

touching toes - 1 minutes

push ups -10 *

izuku - lets do it! he exclaimed to himself and started doing his daily quest

( back to present)

RG - WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, she exclaimed, which caught izuku off guard, but the good thing is he finished his daily quest, izuku stood up and saw RG having a mini heart attack, izuku made a nervous chuckle,

( few minutes passed)

RG composed her self and looked at izuku with amazement, izuku thought he had a lot of explaining to do, RG had some test taken to check izuku condition, when the results came in she was scrambling her head,

( at another room)

RG - how could this be possible , she ask her self seeing the test result of izuku, every test says that he is healthy and normal,

Nurse - mam we don't even understand it ourselves, the boys body came in in the worst possible condition but he was healed in a matter of hours do you think it something to do with his quirk,

RG shook her head as the she knew that he is quirkless but she can't see the heads or tails of the situation, she garbed her phone and called all the people she could think of to make sense of the situation,

Random fried 1 - may be the boy may have had a dormant quirk which may have been activated due to him being close to death and his quirk may have something to do with regeneration, she suggested,

Random friend 2- but that's not possible as we have several cases of quirkless want to take there lives and they didn't seem to show any signs to have there quirk awakened,

Random friend 3 - I Have to agree with ( random guy 1) as we are still not able to understand what a human body is capable of and might be a reaction of his body basic instinct to survive which made his dormant quirk awakened,

after some discussion RG theorized that izuku might have a awakened his quirk which she was partially correct, she then called Nezu to tell about the boys situation and a possibility that he may have awakened a quirk,

* Nezu POV*

I called aizawa and Torino and told what RG has told me, even though I am the smartest animal on earth I was still not able to comprehend what has happened,

I arrived at the hospital with aizawa and torino and rushed our way to RG, when we reached her room I saw her sipping some tea and looking at some test results and I could see that she was confussed,

Nezu - RG what happened to Izuku, I asked in curiosity,

RG - honestly I don't know, yesterday all his bones were fractured and his internal organs were in bad condition and his heart and brain close to failing him, she said as she looked at me,

RG- but today I saw him exercising like he didn't even jump from a six story building, she then passed the test result of izuku to all of them,

RG - I have run every possible test I could think of but everything say that he is normal and healthy, she said in bafflement,

when all of herd her statement we were baffled as well and my mind started to think of any logical solution but nothing came to my mind expect that possibility of izuku awakening his quirk,

Torino - well this doesn't make any sense, every one knows that the possibility of awakening a quirk after the age of 4 is closer to none and even the oldest record a late bloomer activating his quirk was at the age of 7, he said his thoughts,

RG - that is true Dear but there may be a chance that izuku had a quirk but it have been supressed by his body as it was unable to handle the quirk powers and made the quirk go dormant and due to his mortal wounds his body may have activated the dormant quirk as a act of surviving,

Aizawa - there might be a possibility of that RG, but we have to know what his quirk his capable of so we have to take test on what his quirk might be,

RG- well that the thing aizawa, we have already did a quirk test and test came positive that he had a quirk but we are unable to find anything that matches his quirk with our current data, she said in uncertainty,

RG - for all I know that he might be wielding a quirk that we have never seen before, she said as she looked at the monitor of izuku eating his lunch and crying

Nezu - since you say that might be wielding a unique quirk we have to keep it under raps to keep him safe, I said with a sigh and I looked at the kid who was eating his meal with tears

Nezu - then we have to test what he is capable of, which got the attention of them,

Aizawa- what do you propose nezu?

Nezu - we will take him to UA and test what his Quirk is and how it works and you and Torino will be assigned to handle him as you can erase his quirk if need if its get out of control, and Torino will be helping him with his quirk control, both of nodded and agreed,

nezu - now its time to take him to his new home, i said with a true smile on my face which rarely happens,

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