Part 2

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Penelope and I walked over to Haymitchs house with the bread and cheesecake. We knocked on the door and Haymitch answered "hello sweetheart" he said to Penelope. "Hi" she said and put down the bread to hug him. He swung her into the air and onto his hip as soon as he did it a small face of pain came over him. "Hello darling" said effie from the kitchen doorway Penelope wriggled out of Haymitchs arms and ran to her for a hug. She must have gotten peetas genes because even though Penelope knows effie I would never run to someone for a hug.

"Uncle Haymitch how old are you?" Effie covered her face to giggle at Nellie's comment. "Well let me think . . . Older than you" he said tickling her. Nice way to dodge the question Haymitch. We all talked for a while and Penelope played with her toys that she keeps at Haymitchs. She basically lives there. Eventually kai and peeta came around to see effie and Haymitch and to see what we were doing. After talking for an hour or 2 we headed back. "How old is uncle Haymitch?" Questioned Penelope again. "Next week he will be ... umm ..." I couldn't believe I had forgotten how old he is. "53, next week he is 53" peeta answered. Wow 53 I never realized how old he was we won the games, years really do add up.

It was one week later effie had been at our house almost every day planning something for Haymitch. I kept telling her "Haymitch doesnt want a big party" but does effie trinket ever listen. We all got dressed in the morning peeta wore a pink shirt with 3/4 sleeves and jeans. Penelope had to go all out with a pink flowery dress her and effie had bought together. I didn't dare look at the price effie payed for it. Kai went nice and simple and stayed in his hunting clothes. We had gone hunting earlier in the day since he wanted to learn. I changed though, into a lacey patterned green top and jeans I kept my jacket on though.

Peeta had made a cake and Penelope lay the table to be helpful. Kai just read he was tired from the hunting so I didnt make him help. Eventually people started to arrive Johanna, annie, flyn, beetee and sae. I insisted she didnt come but of course she said "I will only be there for a little while I'm not gunna get drunk" she had the same humor as Haymitch just a little darker which somehow made me like her more. Eventually effie brought Haymitch around. We sang happy birthday ate cake and opened gifts which consisted of a tiara from nellie, a new geese pen from effie (I had persuaded her to buy it) and a few other small things from the others.

After an hour Sae was tired so I walked her home when I got back the party was quiet. I pulled peeta into the next room "what happened?" Peeta stared down to his feet. "Penelope asked a question" I knew at an instant this was serious, he came closer. "She asked what happened to his mum and dad and why aren't they here" my face sunk I knew she ment nothing by it because peeta and I answer all of her questions even about our families. When we went back in to the living room Haymitch was leaving "theres food in the kitchen if anyone hungry" peeta had broken the silence and distracted them all for me I walked to the patio. Effie tried to follow "effie" I said "could you leave us alone for a sec" she nodded and closed the door. Haymitch turned around to look at me, I sat beside him on the bench. "Good birthday" I asked sarcastically. He gave me a look "really I couldn't have asked for more but for the first time the rascal caught me off guard. I mean what am I supposed to tell her the truth?" I looked down with him, "that's what we do we just dont tell her all of it, like with prim when she eventually asked what happened we told her the same thing we told kai, she got in a big accident and nobody could make her better so she died."

After a long conversation we went back inside and ate more cake we even took some food outside and had a food fight. Effie obviously was appalled at the sight and so was Nellie so they quickly changed into pajamas and joined in. We were all covered in cake and chips even wrapping paper was thrown like snowballs and the people passing the victors village probably thought we were crazy. We decided to have a water ballon fight to clean off so we split into teams. Blues and reds. Nellie, kai, annie, effie and flyn made up the reds on the blues was myself, peeta, johanna, haymitch and beetee. Which they thought wasnt really fair since we were all Victors but Johanna pointed out that we have 2 old guys on our team and that Annie's also a victor. Kai and nellie especially didn't know what Victor's were so haymitch said that we were master water ballon fighters which was partly true because we did fight but not with harmless weapons. We played for around an hour and obviously we let the reds win but we still put up a fight.

After we cleaned up, everyone except Haymitch and effie went home. They told us about how effie was planning to move in a few months to open a shop. "Where are you moving?" Peeta asked. Haymitch rapped his arm around her waist "Here into Haymitchs." Kai and Penelope burst in. "Really" they shouted in unison, nellie jumped onto Haymitch and gave him a kiss on his cheek and said "sorry I asked that question" haymitch hugged her and she whispered something in his ear "what" he whispered back. The next thing we could hear was Haymitch say "yes, alot" I think we were all confused but Penelope giggled and I put the kids back to bed after we told them off for eavesdropping. Haymitch sat in the kitchen and I joined him "what did the monkey want" I asked impatiently. "oh nothing she just had a simple question " he said knowing that his answer would make me more impatient. "But what was the question haymitch"
"Oh for God sake when will you stop acting like a child" he leaned into my ear, "she asked if I was in love with effie" I thought about this for a moment and remembered his answer. "So effie trinket and the old drunk, huh, never saw that coming" haymitch nodded as if to say me to. I gave him a pat on the shoulder and said "just dont turn all fluffy" he turned to me "dont worry I wouldn't wanna be like you anyway" I gave him a small push before leaving. When I walked back into the living room effie was getting packed up to leave so Haymitch came in with me and decided he should go to. I gave effie a hug and Haymitch a kiss on the cheek before heading to bed myself.

Peeta joined me after changing into some pajama bottoms. He covered me in his muscular arms."Peeta what if effie and Haymitch dont mix well" he loosened his grasp on me and let me turn to him "well they will just have to get used to each other, they seemed to get on well enough on the old train why wouldn't they get on now" we laughed at thought of them on the train. I inched closer to him putting my head on his chest and we both drifted into a nightmare-less sleep.


Haymitch and Effie are moving in yay
I wonder what will happen next x

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