Chapter 4

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*3rd POV*

"Oh my. I didn't expect that you are friends to our regular costumer.", (Y/n) smiled at Miyamura.

"Ah! Umm. Yeah. Maybe its coincidence.", Miyamura woke up from his surprised state.

"And its quite nice to see a familiar face, Mr. President."

"Just call me by name, (L/n)-san.", Sengoku gave her small smile which she nodded at his words.

"I hope that your little sister is doing fine, Iura-kun."

"Hahahaha! Yep, she's fine. Sorry that I didn't bring her here today.", Iura sheepishly rubs the back of his head.

"I don't mind. So, what would you like to order, Ishikawa-kun?", (Y/n) turns her head to the purple haired boy.

"We would like......", Miyamura didn't pay attention of what his friend have order. His attention only stays still to the girl who jotted down the notes. Her braided hair sways a bit while she moves. As her pink tinted lips moves as she speaks.

"And is this still available?", Ishikawa pulls out a time-limited coupon from his wallet. (Y/n) takes the coupons as she read the contents of it.

"You're quite lucky to have this. Tomorrow is it exipiration. It looks like you get the discount for Tiramisu cake for all you!", she beamed. Iura cheered for dessert as Sengoku told him to quiet down. (Y/n) went back to kitchen to prepare their order. Miyamura looks at his friends after (Y/n) was lost of his sight.

"You guys know her?", the three boys look at him.

"(L/n)-san is the president of the Home Economics club. I get to know her through club meetings.", Sengoku said.

"Yep! I get to know her through my little sister. My little sister is schoolmates with her siblings and this place is her favorite hangout.", Iura said.

"I also get to know her at school and this cafe.", Miyamura hummed at Ishikawa's response.

"Wait, is this the first time that you met her?", Iura asked.

"Ehh. Umm.. I met her yesterday. She lend me her umbrella because it was raining yesterday."

"Miyamura-kun...", Ishikawa stares at him.

"I can't believe that you just met the our school idol for the first time."

"Ehh? School idol?", Miyamura gives a dotted eyes expression.

"Yeah! WHY THE HECK, MAN?!", Iura leaned closer to him.

"Quiet down!", Sengoku scolded Iura.

"Everyone at our school knows her very much! With that beauty, smart brains, lovely voice, and wife materialistic! Many admirers are chasing behind her."

"Iura-kun.. It's probably because of Hori keeps a tight leash on him. This guy rarely have the opportunity to hangout with us.", Sengoku reminds them.

"Ahh...", the air slightly tensed.

"Sorry, Miyamura.", Iura apologized.

"No worries! It's fine."

(Y/n) came with a tray of orders at their table. She notices the boys were feeling down a bit.

"It seems that you have a serious conversation.", she said, surprising them. She gives them the plates of Tiramisu and their respective drinks in front of them.

"I know its not my business but I'm willing to listen if you want to.", Miyamura stares at her with his wide blue eyes in surprise.

"Would like me to put a song for you?", he silently nodded. She went to the back room where is was actually the music room. She sats down and adjust the microphone, and she sent a signal to the DJ as he changes the music using his computers.

"Hello, everyone! Thank you for coming in (C/n) cafe today!", everyone stared at speakers as they heard the familiar voice.

"Oh! It's (L/n)-san!"

"Mama! It's (N/n)-neesan!"

"Yosh! I'm feeling lucky today!"

"Ehh?! What's going on?", Miyamura frantically looks at his friends.

"Maa... It's your request, Miyamura-kun.", Iura teased.

"Just sit tight and enjoy!", Ishikawa smiles at him as he gently slaps his back.

(I really love this song!)

Children dance at the middle of the room. Other costumers clapped their hands or bobbed their heads following the beat. Iura and Ishikawa clapped their hands and Sengoku swaying a bit at the music. Miyamura feels his heart beating faster as his cheeks slowly turns red.

At the end of the song, (Y/n) sent a last message.

"I hope that you enjoy my song, dear costumer!", even Miyamura can't see her but he knows that You are smiling.

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