Now, the results;
🍌BEFORE THE PAST Maxii19story
Genre: 3/5
Title: 5/5
Blurb: 3/5
First chapter/ Prologue: 6/10
Grammar/ punctuation: 7/20
Spelling/ vocabulary: 10/20
Literary devices: 4/10
Plot: 15/30
Character: 5/10
Description: 4/10
Connection: 5/10
Originality: 5/10
Overall Impression: 5/10
TOTAL: 77/155REVIEW: The draft needs thorough editing. The writing is littered with errors in grammar, spelling and overall language structure. The plot needs a lot of tightening as it has redundancies and a lot of unnecessary information that slows down the development and shifts the reader's attention from the mystery element. And there's a need for depth in characters.
FULL REVIEW by kristoffkerry: The blurb is pretty, I like it, but it read like a plot towards the romance genre. I got the slight mystery aspect when I read the book, but still I felt it leaned more to the other genre. The first chapter didn't do much for me in terms of wanting to read the book, but the information dump was too much for me to process. There were plenty of grammatical errors and the same information stated over and over again. Too many redundancies! The mixed tenses and sentence constructions were what threw me off the most, so get someone who has a good grasp of English to help you out. Punctuation placements also needs work, you kept leaving off the question mark after a question was asked. The spelling wasn't bad though, I realized the words that seemed to be misspelled were actually typos, but the vocabulary needs to be taken to a whole new level. You kept overusing words, like in chapter one I lost count of the amount of times the word darkness was used. It just caused me to lose interest in the book. I didn't see much literary devices in the beginning chapters, but as I read farther into the story they kept popping up more. Descriptions were not as vivid as I would have liked them to be, they didn't help your story at all. So try and add better descriptions to your work. The plot however, has potential. I really was routing for this story but the delivery made it hard for me to enjoy it and if I had judged it, I would have given it a 42. Now don't feel bad, my review is so you can go back to the drawing board and work on your amazing storyline, because I do believe it has the ability of being wonderful. Good luck!
🍌IN THE STARS StudMuffinStitch judged by kristoffkerry
Genre: 5/5
Title: 3/5
Blurb: 2/5
First Chapter/Prologue: 8/10
Grammar/Punctuation: 14/20
Spelling/Vocabulary: 16/20
Literary Devices: 2/10
Plot: 22/30
Character: 5/10
Description: 2/10
Connection: 4/10
Originality: 7/10
Overall Impression: 5/10
TOTAL: 95/155REVIEW: First off let me start with the blurb, it didn't give off mystery I felt like it was a setting for a drama/young adult novel. However, while reading the prologue I saw the mystery aspects coming into view. Now the prologue may have been a bit interesting but the lack of descriptive elements and literary devices took away from my enjoyment. Work on character development and the plot so that your story can increase in enjoyment.
🍌RED EmmaSebastianThomas
Genre: 5/5
Title: 3/5
Blurb: 4.5/5
First chapter/ Prologue: 7/10
Grammar/ punctuation: 16/20
Spelling/ vocabulary: 17/20
Literary devices: 5/10
Plot: 15/30
Character: 6/10
Description: 5/10
Connection: 5/10
Originality: 7/10
Overall Impression: 6/10
TOTAL: 101.5/155