Chapter 5 - Questions.

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"I'm just gonna get out and walk" I said as I reached for the door handle. 

"No, Annalise" Brad said reaching his arm over me and pulling the door closed. The car was substantially small and there was no center console so it was easy for Brad to just reach over to my door.

I released my hand from the handle and looked over to Brad. His eyes were a certain brown that was unique to any other shade. It wasn't just shit brown either, it was a really nice dark brown color. 

I huffed "You could have just jumped out from a dark room or didn't have to give me a heart attack" I stated crossing my arms on my chest, furrowing my brows. 

Brad closed his eyes and shook his head "That was not my intention at all Annalise."

"Well, you did."

"How can I make it up to you?" he questioned leaning closer to me.

I scooted over a bit in my seat "Let me study."


My cheeks turned red as soon as the warm air of the coffee shop surrounded my face. It had been around 6 degrees outside lately, which the awkward weather man had said was a record low. He also had said that we were going to have a huge snow storm soon, but he did not specify the date exactly. 

I took a seat at a table near the back and Brad followed with his head hung low. 

"Annalise," he started once I began un-zipping my backpack "I said I was sorry." He was one of the only people who actually called me by my full name and I didn't quite know if I liked it. 

I set my books down on the small circle table and flipped some pages. I stopped on a page about World War 2 and looked up at Brad who was looking intently at me. 

I sighed "I know, I never said I was mad."

He nodded "So, were ok?" he asked bending his legs, ready to stand up.

I nodded and looked back down at my book as he went to get something to drink.


Brad POV

I flung open James' bed room door and slumped down into an arm chair once I had gotten back with Annalise. James slid his head phones onto his neck but still faced his work.

"What is it now Bradley?" James questioned pushing some buttons on the lap top.

I fixed some fallen curls and slumped further in the chair. "Is Annalise always like this?" 

"Like what? Annoying, immature, or constantly disappointed?" James guessed nonchalantly.

I shook my head, sliding my beanie from my head. "She's not really any of those things..." I ran a finger through my mess of hair and smoothed out my curls to my forehead. 

"Then what is it?" James asked twisting his chair to look at me. His eyes burning a hole in my thoughts. James was always very protective of Annalise. 

"I - I just wonder why she is so closed off sometimes..." I stuttered, now nervous of how James would react if I said anything disrespectful of Annalise. 

"You do realize she may be a little closed off because of her father?" Tris interrupted. I almost forgot he was in the room until he, of course, blurted out. 

I furrowed my brows in confusion and James rubbed a hand across his cheek, letting out a heavy sigh. 

"I know I told you my father abandoned us" James stated removing his head phones completely and setting them on the desk behind him. 

"You never specified why" I added sitting up in my chair, preparing myself for a story.

"He knew he wasn't ready for kids, but he stayed with my mother anyways" James began resting his chin on his hand.

I nodded, waiting for him to further continue his tale. "Then once my sister was born he knew he could not handle 2 children, let alone 1."

He paused taking a deep breath before speaking again "He just never came back. He made us believe we were awful children. Annalise was not exactly a normal child, she was always sad and too her self. But as soon as he left a weight lifted off her shoulders."

My mouth stayed opened wide with shock at this new information. I never knew what they went through. I thought James' parents just got divorced, I had no idea he was abusive. 

I struggled to gather my thoughts and find some response. "Annalise feels like she's never good enough for anyone." 

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