Chapter 25

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Third Person

When you know nothing is around, something is always there. After all, nothing is something. Something is nothing. The very understanding of nothing is as if a black hole sucked everything up. But a black hole is something.

Sonic had something, Maurice had nothing, yet, they equally had nothing and something. Why is it that when one questions something, they are to get nothing in return. Sonic has been questioning that for a while now. 2 weeks to be exact. He always wondered why it had to be him. The hero. The friend. Now, the enemy so it seems. His very presence in the city wasn't welcomed for reasons unknown. Anytime he made an entrance, the inhabitants of said city would try to capture him. He no doubt thought that his old friends were behind it. Maybe to fix what has been lost? Maybe to mend what has been broken? But how could you fix something that wasn't even there to begin with?

Nothing is something.

Something is nothing.

Maurice had been watching through the eyes of a body he had little to no control, yet he had all control. Sonic had been beaten too thoroughly with the idea he was nothing that controlling said hedgehog with simple words was all too easy.

"Good, soon the machine will be up and running." Maurice practically purred to Sonic and Sonic followed Maurice around as if he was some god.

The machine in question was almost complete, and because neither was too into mechanical engineering as such a certain egg-shaped human or twin-tailed fox was, Maurice only had his memory of what the machine originally looked like to proceed. Gathering the parts was hard, but the energy source is a whole new level. Stealing a Chaos Emerald would've been easy but in the state Sonic was in, Maurice didn't want to risk losing his precious control over something so chaotic and feeble as an emerald. In addition to that, they were heavily guarded so that was always an issue. A cherry on top so to say. Tantalizing, yet, out of reach unless pursued.

The next best option? Stealing energy from the city.

Why does it sound like a problem? It just is.

In their last trip to the city to try and steal some parts they needed, Sonic and Maurice ran into a little trouble. Commander Tower's hadn't given up on getting his Weapon back and as such, he had almost captured him. Sonic's old friends had arrived in the nick of time, trying to talk sense back into the hedgehog, but said hedgehog didn't listen and just attacked them on Maurice's orders. They were in the way and he had to leave. Before Sonic decided to rebel. Maurice knew that he only had so much power over the hedgehog to continue what he started and he didn't need anyone getting in his way of accomplishing that. Maurice didn't like anyone getting in his way. Not even Ivo.

Oh poor little Ivo, he was in the way. Sonic and Maurice almost tried capturing Ivo once, but it didn't go as planned. Shadow is just too damn annoying. They needed Ivo to make sure nothing was going to explode before usage. To make sure everything ran smoothly. But, no. That isn't going to happen.

"Why is it that humans recognize me on sight but in a cloak which is equally suspicious, they are as blind as a bat?" Sonic questioned Maurice once they arrived at the city to gather energy from the powerplant.

"It's because humans are blind. They only see what they want to see." Maurice replied to him. They were indeed wearing a cloak and no matter how many people they passed, just at a brisk walking pace, no one saw them. The power plant was on the far side of the city, and to get there it took a full day at the speed they were going at. Maurice found out the hard way that by using unnatural speed, even when wearing a cloak, it attracted attention like a bear to honey. Sonic's old friends and even Commander Towers all came running to try and claim the hedgehog as either friend, foe, or usable Weapon. So the old fashioned way it is. No matter how annoying it was.

Maurice, while waiting through the trip, was remembering the good old days of him and Ivo. They were an unstoppable duo. Brains and brawns. Maurice didn't have time to spend wallowing in memories of yore though as Sonic noticed a little... Nuisance. Sonic's old friends were out and about, looking worse for wear.

"Damn." Maurice hissed. All the more difficult they were.

"What now?" Sonic asked, hiding behind a well placed light post.

Maurice pondered on that for a minute. "Well, since they are out and about, no need to be discreet now."

"Won't they notice us and try to follow?" Sonic asked once again.

"Mobians aren't as blind as humans, with the exception of pinky over there." Maurice said, talking about Amy. "So they will notice us regardless. Besides, speeding this up would be better."

With his que, Sonic took off in a brown blur, not caring that the cloak was haphazardly thrown aside. Shadow had barely registered the sudden gust of wind and the faintest sight of the brown of the hedgehog. He called out to the others and chased after the hedgehog. It wasn't long to arrive at the powerplant and with the speed and great accuracy, the two guards out front were kicked in the head and knocked out cold. Sonic weaved through the seemingly endless halls of the powerplant to soon find the main source of it all. He removed the portable battery he was carrying on his person and connected to the giant power lines. The battery could contain thousands upon millions of volts - more than enough to power the machine. But doing so would cause a blackout amongst the city. To which he had no care in all of the world for. Turning on the battery, it had begun to reroute the power into the battery.

"Sonic!" Turning to the voice, said hedgehog spied that his old friends had finally arrived. Tails was the one who had called out to him. They never give up don't they?

"There you are. We were looking everywhere for you!" Knuckles said as he slowly stepped forward.

"Then it's clear that you haven't been looking good enough." Sonic gave a dismissive wave, turning his attention back to the battery. Maurice was the one talking while Sonic just simply relayed the message over to them.

"Sonic, Maurice, whichever one you are, just come quietly. We don't want to harm you." Shadow tried to reason with him.

Maurice had it to the moon and back. He was so infuriating. Making Sonic turn around to give the ebony one a snarl, he glared at him. "That's a little too late for that."

"What do you-"

Before Shadow could finish what he was saying, the whole city soon went black.

"What is going on!?" Amy yelled out the question on all of their minds and Sonic just simply picked up the better, releasing it knowing he had enough power. "What I planned to do."

Tails saw the battery and his eyes went wide. "Did you just steal power from-"

"The city?" Sonic asked, looking towards the fox. "Yes. Indeed I did."

"Stop telling them what we are doing! They are going to try and stop you now!" Maurice yelled at Sonic. "Run now!" Sonic then took off in a brown blur.

"After him!" Shadow yelled out, taking a quick chase after Sonic with everyone else right behind him. The chase was on.

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