Chapter 9

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Shadow's p.o.v.

I awoke to the sound of guns being fired and snapped my eyes open as I realized I was back on the Ark. I looked to my left and saw a beyond scared Maria standing beside me. As I went to comfort her, Gerald ran in and pushed us down a different hall then the one he came down.

"Run! The both of you have to get out of here. Now!" I gripped Maria's hand and started to take off down the hall. I didn't dare look back as I heard the sound of guns getting louder and Maria's grip tightened. I felt her grip slipping and looked back when I saw soldiers coming after us. We came across the launch room and slammed the door shut. We both looked at each other as we saw the door being being banged on. Next thing I knew, I was being pushed into one of the pods and the door slammed down, trapping me. I tried banging with my fists and kicked it but it wouldn't budge. She went over to the lever and I couldn't stop her at all. I heard Maria's last words as a man shot her before my very eyes.

"You will never get away Project! I'll find you!" I heard the man's last words as I was shot from the Ark and rocketed down to Earth down below. I started to fall asleep but that voice kept echoing in my mind. Why does it sound so familiar? As I shut my eyes, my head banged against the side and my eyes flew open, banging my head against the metal above me. I looked around where I was but was surprised to see that I wasn't in the pod any more but had metal blocking my view. I tried to move my arms and legs but looked down to see I was curled up in the same position Maurice would be in. I couldn't see anywhere else but looked back down at my body and squinted to see that my fur wasn't black but was brown. I heard some movement and moved my head away as I saw some light come from a few feet away and saw two figure approaching the metal confinement I was in. I felt a growl come out of my throat and was surprised to see the metal in front of me open. Due to the low hanging ceiling, I went on all fours and walked out of the confinement and looked back to see I was in a small metal cage. Before I could blink, the two men held my arms and lifted me up and I couldn't see anything else. I couldn't even move and when they started to pull me forward, I resisted causing a sharp pain to come to my head. I kept fighting back and received the same thing. I reluctantly let them lead me and felt like forever until I heard voices up ahead. Once we stopped I perked my ears as I heard two voices talking in front of me.

"You did an excellent work on creating this weapon, Dr. Valentine."

"Thank you sir. I made him specially for you." I heard them chuckle and another growl came out of me. I squinted my eyes again as light blinded me for a second and I took in the scene before me. Two humans were standing in front of me and two standing on either side. I looked down at my body and could see the red and white shoes with a gold buckle on my feet. My brown furred body was covered in chains and shifted uncomfortably in them.

"You think the weapon could serve me? He looks like he would try to rebel."

"Don't worry sir. With a bit of work he will serve you without a second thought." I looked back up and a growl came out of me as I saw the two humans talking. They turned to me and the first one smiled.

"I'm your new Master, Weapon. You will obey me." the words bounced around my head and the words from the Ark bounced in my head too. The voice sounded the same and there was no denying it. That was the man that killed Maria! A growl came from me again and darkness clouded my vision and I was trying to fight back the words replayed over and over again. I felt a bang on my head and woke up with a jolt. Sweat was running down my head and I looked around to see that I was back in the base. Maurice was still laying beside me, fast asleep. I leaned against the wall I was up against and breathed out a sigh.

"It was only a dream." I muttered and looked down at Maurice and cocked my head to the side. "A strange dream that had me being you." I shook my head then noticed the tracker on Maurice's shoe that Rouge was able to stick on him before. I frowned at it and picked it up, crushing it in my hand. I sighed once more and looked at the sun that was starting to make its way up into the sky. I leaned back against the wall and remembered the dream that I had. I then realized how I didn't actually have control of my body as I was Maurice. I frowned then sighed. "Did you show me that Maurice or was that from your memory's?" I knew I wouldn't get a response but I just had to get the words out. As suspected, he was breathing calmly and the only movements he made were the soft, repetitive patterns from his chest. I sighed and leaned against the wall waiting for the sun to rise. "Whatever that dream was, I'm going to have to ask you when you wake up."

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