Chapter 8: Rivals

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Are you scared that I will take your betrothed away from you~~ beomgyu whispered in Taehyun's ear so you couldn't understand what they are talking about.

Taehyun let out a light chuckle before he replied to Beomgyu "Do you think I care?

We'll see about that. Beomgyu said while keeping an expressionless face.

They both turn in the opposite direction and stomp away from there.

While you stood there in confusion like what-just-happened

Well, you just ignore it and greeted the other guest.


In your room~

Today was a tiring day, gosh, I had to greet so many guests. I feel like the whole east kingdom just came to our castle.

Well, I can already hear children's voices outside of my cabin. They are so noisy.

Not even at my sister's wedding, there were so many guests. But my one feels like a carnival now.

you are now in your closet to get rid of your heavy dress and wear something simple.

You have called the maids to help you out but sadly there were so many guests that all the maids are now busy.

Guess I have to help myself out of the dress. My hands can't reach my back to untie the ribbon and the ribbons tangled very tightly.

At this point, my hands are unable to open it. Soon my hands became tired after trying so hard. I don't wanna sleep in this dress.

You have tried so many times that now you are sweating and your hair is a mess now.

Finally, you have opened one ribbon feeling good to do it yourself.

But at this point, you heard a knock at your door.

Maybe the maid is here. So you commented to come in.

As you are still struggling with the dress.

Do you know how much I am struggling with the dress? And I was waiting for you to come sooner...

You said to the maid as your back was facing the door.

Pardon me. Waiting for me?

The voice which made you shiver in your whole body. That voice doesn't belong to any maids.

At this point, you are even feeling to look back and face the owner of the voice.

But you turned around to see the worst now. To see Him...

Taehyun was standing in front of you while you are in a messy state and half of your dress is now loose. Like if your hands don't hold the dress it might fall...

W.....w..hat a...are doing here? Your voice is hardly coming out.

I had some important consultations with you. That's why I am here.

Taehyun saw you were sweating and then saw that you were holding your dress.

Are you okay? You're sweating!!!

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