Chapter 10: The wedding day

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The Beomgyu got stunned by your question. You could see how this expression got tensed up. He looked serious now.

Your question got him off guard. You could sense that well.

Well, I am asking you Prince Beomgyu?!! Why are you guy's so awkward with each other?

Prince Beomgyu looked at you but then he answered.

Well, we are on siblings' terms!!

Now this made you more confused like what he is talking about?! Terms can be either good or bad what does he mean by siblings' Terms?

I didn't quite understand you, Prince Beomgyu. Can you explain it to me?

You know how siblings are!! Like they fight with each other but care for each other.

You formed your mouth as "O" understanding the matter. But something seems off to you. Like how they interact with each other is completely different from how you used to interact with your older sister. You guys used to fight but not in front of people.

Shall we go? Prince Beomgyu asked while looking at you.

Oh yeah sure let's go. You started to walk as he followed you.


So this is my garden. You showed him your garden which you adore most.

The fact is that the king and Queen always had been busy with their older child so they never really took care of you that's why you came to this garden and make it your place of escape.

Wow, so this is the first place you wanted to show me? Beomgyu asked in excitement.

Well yeah. Because this is my hideout. Most of the time my life is spent here. I grew up talking to this plant.

Wait to talk to the plant? He asked in confusion.

Yeah. Don't you know that plants have a life? I believe they hear me and they are good listeners. They also have names.

The more Beomgyu is hearing you the more he is becoming surprised by how lovely you were looking while talking about plants.

You suddenly run around the garden and looked at Beomgyu.

This is Pippo. You said while pointing towards a plant. She is my favourite. I bought her when she was a little seed.

The more Beomgyu was watching you the more he is finding you cute. Like you are unique from all the other people.

This is lazy as she sleeps a lot. She is Poko, Moli, Miku, and bubs.

You know that's the most unique thing I have ever seen. Like I never saw someone give a name to the plants. He said while walking towards you.

Maybe it's because they are my only friend. You said while a sad pout appeared on your face.

Beomgyu saw it and move closer to you.

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