Chapter 21: Betrayal

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Later that day~

You saw every person right now. All the people were sad about Queen's sudden death. You saw Prince Yeonjun cry. After all, it's his real mother.

It was raining badly and they are taking the Queen's body to the grave.

You never liked the Queen but you never wanted her to die like this.

If jungkook would tell you the truth that day maybe you could save the Queen.

Everyone is now walking toward the final destination means the grave.

"Y/n." A voice made you stop on the track. You look over and saw Taehyun.


"It will be better for you to stay here. You don't have to go to the grave."

"But what about the Queen? Everyone is going so I have to go too," you said.

"Look whoever the person did this he might try to hurt Princess Eva again. Remember he tried to kill her once. So maybe he will try again."

"But that attack was for you not for her."

"You can't say that surely because what if that attack was for Princess Eva? You never know what's his next move. So I want you to stay here. Don't worry Huening will be here with you." He said holding your face.

"Okay if you say so. But Taehyun, please be safe."

"I will don't worry."

Inside the castle~

You were looking over Princess Eva while thinking about everything that happened.

If I connect the dots then the culprit is doing everything on purpose. Like something has a common point. Like Princess Eva, Queen, and Princess Stella everyone must have a common point. The person isn't doing it without any motive.

I wish Princess Eva could wake up so that I could ask her anything regarding this matter.

As you were watching over her suddenly you felt like you saw Princess Eva's eyes pupil move a bit.

Wait!! is she awake? Maybe she will be awake in while. I should tell everyone about this.

But a sudden realization made me stop on the track.

If I tell people about her awakening the killer will most probably become aware and will try to kill her again.

So I can't tell it, people. I must wait here until she wakes up.

After a while~

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