Chapter 13: What's behide the close door

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You were walking with Beomgyu when he break the silence and asked you.

By the way Princess y/n, what are you doing here at this night?

Actually.....I just remembered the dream of how taehyun killed me. Aigoo what a horrible dream.

Princess y/n are you there? Beomgyu wave his hand in front of you and you snapped back to reality.

Oh, I just couldn't sleep that's why. It's a new environment you know so I  need time to adjust. Beomgyu nodded his head understanding your matter.

As you're walking with him he suddenly stopped. So you also stopped and looked at him in confusion.

Princess y/n. Don't mind me asking but are you happy with your marriage? You kinda became confused when he said that. Like why did he even bother about the fact?

Why are you suddenly asking me this? You questioned him.

No... It's just that. I was kinda curious because brother Taehyun is not like other princes of course the way he treats people around him is very cold. So I wonder if you are having a hard time adjusting here.

Well, he is not cold. He is veryyyyy cold, arrogant, stubborn, and hard-headed. You said expressing all anger you have for Taehyun.

Is there any more slander you have left for me?! Are you done?! This voice made you freeze on the ground and made you gulp hard.

You know who it is and what will he do when you will turn around.

Beomgyu also became shocked to see Taehyun.

Princess y/n I should get going now. Beomgyu bowed at you and run away from there.

Not beomgyu is leaving me all alone here while he just escaped.

I don't have any other option but to turn around and face him.

Good dusk!! Prince Taehyun!! I think I should go and sleep now. You were about to go when he caught your hand.

What are you doing here at this time? And that too with Prince Beomgyu!! He asked.

Well actually... I... You know...

I know what!!!!

You know it's your fault that I am here. Taehyun frowned when he heard you. You told me to sleep on the couch and I couldn't sleep on that couch so I had to walk at night and that's how I happened to meet Prince Beomgyu.

Then you should have told me before. You can sleep on the bed. Your eyes widened when you heard him. Like seriously he is letting me sleep on the bed.

So that means you will sleep on the couch? You asked.

You are sleeping on the bed that doesn't mean I will be sleeping on the couch. I was told to share the bed. He declares

Seriously, I should have thought about it. He is so damn self-centred that he would not go to the couch. Wait if I sleep on the bed with him there will be a chance that he might try to choke me to death. I don't wanna die so quickly.

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