Chapter 15: The ball party

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Today, there is a huge ball party in the palace. Maybe it's more like a celebration of my and Tae-Hyun's marriage. But the fact is all kingdoms are invited to this ball party.

Everyone has been busy since the morning because there is lots of decorating work. The maids, even the royal families, are busy. Not to mention, I am busy, not in preparation, but in thinking. The message from last night can not be ignored. It has a serious meaning behind it. But I don't know if it was about Taehyun's abounded room.

Princess y/n?! One of the maids said.

I look at her and wait for her to continue.

You have to try the dress for today's ball party. She said.

Won't I get to pick a dress first? I ask in confusion.

Well, Princess, Prince Taehyun has already chosen a dress for you. Choosing a dress from the royal closet was morning work. Everyone chose their dress this morning, but at that time, you were sleeping, so the prince selected a dress for you that time.

You kinda became surprised to hear that. Well, is he being nice, or he didn't have any other option but to choose one? If he wanted, he could wake you up.

Okay, bring the dress. You said to the maid.

After a few minutes~

Well, the dress does fit me well. Though it was chosen by Taehyun, I must say he doesn't have a bad choice.

The ball party theme is black and white so everyone will be wearing a black and white dress.

the fact is that you liked Taehyun's choice. But this dress is your type like it's not heavy and it's simple too.

I wonder what kind of apparel Taehyun would wear. I have only seen him in a prince outfit, so it will be a change for sure.

You are now on your way to the hallway. I'm looking for someone specifically.

That's weird. I always saw him running in the hallway. But this time, where is he? I am looking for him and he is not anywhere.

As I was walking around, I saw him finally with the pile of paper in his hand. Going towards somewhere.

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