The first case. Part 1

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- Where's your girlfriend, James? I thought we had a double date, - Ian Thomas's indignation was of a preventive nature. Remembering the names of the new passions of a friend was given to him with more and more difficulty, especially when the plot of the relationship was non-linear. The firstborn of the Potters gurgled into his glass of beer, realizing that he forgot to invite Linda to the meeting.

- We should have gotten used to the fact that we have a three-way relationship. I have a presentiment will even go on a honeymoon trip in such a composition, - patting the young people on the back, Sarah Finnigan went to find out the fate of the chips, which had been cooking for almost an hour.

- Ahem, buddy, there is a conversation, - Thomas nervously wetted his throat, - Will you be my best man?

- What? - because of the evening hubbub at The Leaky Cauldron, James wasn't sure he'd heard the question correctly. Hoped he was having an auditory hallucination.

- Sarah and I decided to get married... Hey, are you okay? And where are the exclamations, pouring beer?

- Merlin! Uh, I'm sorry, - coming to senses, the guy tightly hugged friend, - I can't believe it. And yes, of course, I'll be happy to be your best man.

- Wow! Thank you, James. To be honest, you scared me a little, - Ian showed the bride with an inconspicuous gesture that the mission was over - she could return.

- Congratulations! – this time Potter was ready to pretend delight, he got up from the table to lift girlfriend in his arms, - Where are we going to rest after the ceremony? I prefer the south of France.

The guys burst out laughing, and then suddenly stuck to each other, as if without it the world would doubt their unimaginable love or seriousness of intentions. James got a migraine at the thought that twenty-year-olds might come up with the idea of having a wedding. What train are they afraid of missing? Who gave the sugary couple a guarantee that in a few months they would not get bored in each other's company? The happy marriage of parents was definitely encouraging for Potter Jr., like childhood dreams of playing on the national Quidditch team. But most importantly, Sarah and Ian seemed to him a stronghold of reason, an ideal of normality, and in the end it was they who managed to get into trouble. The taste of turning into a "family friend" completely beat off his appetite, the potatoes became a lump in the boy's throat. Marriage robbed him of the best time and the best people. First Teddy Lupin, now classmates, who's next? Younger brother and sister?

- Let's drink to the future aurors! - the girl honored their company, which withstood a three-year training course, - Just try to run into a deadly spell - I'll tear your heads off.

- Damn, I definitely won't be able to sleep until Monday, - Ian admitted jokingly.

The forehead of a dark-skinned tall and wiry guy glistened with sweat in the dim light of torches.

- Who among the experienced will refuse the best cadets on the course? - snorted Potter.

- Your father didn't say anything about distribution by any chance? Maybe at least hinted?

- You know him, old chap, dad would rather swallow a flobberworm than crack open. Hey, Sarah, isn't your future husband born to be on the chocolate frog card?

- Head of the Auror - Ian Thomas. Or deputy chief? I'll be in charge, - Finnigan played along before James interrupted her.

- Oh, no, sorry, guys, but the place of the head is already taken by me.


- Each of you knows that magic can be dangerous. There will always be a smart guy who wants to use a wand to harm a neighbor. And our task is to intercept this hand. Three years ago, thirty-six applicants entered the preparatory course, planned to devote their lives to a very hard job - exhausting, dirty, painful. Extremely painful. If in simple terms - deadly complex. And all for the sake of making wizards feel safe outside their homes and inside. Right now, only ten stand in front of me. Look at each other one more time while your faces are so proud and joyful. We tormented you greatly during the entire training, squeezed out enough sweat to fill the fountain in the Atrium. You suffered not only in the name of the common good, but also in order not to die on the first case. Hope you will soon appreciate the ministerial care. Moms and dads, Diagon Alley salesmen and house elves have probably already said how good are you, so I'll skip that lyrical part. Now I will read out the distribution for the internship. Prove yourself as you should - by Christmas you will receive a gift in the form of an Auror position and a nice increase in salary. I warn you right away, no snot for me here, the decision is final. Well, Ackerley to the supply dept., Davis and Whitby in intelligence, Pritchard, Peakes and Thomas go to the strike force, and Potter, Smith, Nott and Finnigan go to the auxiliary squad. Take out the passes, interns, without them you will not get to the headquarters.

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