Chapter 01

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Really though, you'd expect that a daughter of a rich family has everything easy.

Well, life's not that simple. 

Or so Keiko had realized.

" You're technically and an adult right? So how about having serious goals in mind? " Her father had commented.

" Really though, what does he mean by serious?!" Keiko slammed her fist on the table , startling some customers in the cafe who were sitting nearby. " I would if I knew, what exactly is serious supposed to be? Boring salarymen ? "

" Keiko chan... your drink- " her best friend, Nakamura pointed at her boba cup.

It was floating above the table - the contents were floating in the air as if there were no gravitational force allowing them to fall. Keiko quickly grabbed the cup and tried to put the drink back inside too. But a good part of it splashed on her jacket.

" Oug... darn it! " She swore. " This... shitty...

" Ha ha ha, Kei chan you are usually very gentle but when you get frustrated you talk like a delinquent," Nakamura was used to this, so she calmly handed her a napkin.

The blonde then waved at the waiter and ordered refills for both of them, then she continued - "You know it'd be easier if you tried using your powers in the first place, instead of getting yourself troubles through it."

" Don't you know already? I can't completely use my powers at will... and I'm afraid that it will only cause more trouble if I try."

She sighed.

"So you don't want to get a job now? " Nakamura took another sip.

" No! I just... I haven't decided yet... man, I'm already 24..."

"Hmm, I guess I could tell you'd struggle. You were never very interested to do anything, you've never had a stable part-time job either if I remember right? "

" ... I had tried out a bunch...library assistant, co-editor of newspaper, front Clark... none of them lasted more than a week! My longest I used to tutored a kid while I was freshman in college . My parent's were against me having a part time job as they mention I had no need for money," She clicked her tongue." Now they are desperate to see me do something."

" But you have academic skills. You were quite good in Uni. In fact professor was a bit sad when you told him that you don't want to continue studying for a higher degree."

" That's the thing- " Keiko pulled her hair back and tied it in a ponytail. " I was never quite interested in literature either. I just rebelled against my father by not taking economics. "

" How about modeling with me? "

" Eh?"

" You are quite pretty too, seeing you tie your hair up, it came in my mind,."

" No way! I'm not nearly as pretty as you Naka chan."

Nakamura Hajime was the school idol, college star and university queen. With her blonde hair, blue eyes and fragile figure, she was often mistaken as a celebrity. Compared to her Keiko looked no more than a random girl.

But it never bothered her. She liked her magenta brown hair and wasn't insecure about her body feature. Actually she hated the idea of being a poster girl, but she never said it so Nakamura doesn't get hurt. Looking attractive was least of her worries...

" I've bought the copy of the magazine where you were featured. There's no way I can compete with you . " She laughed.

" Well, you have other skills too. Skills only you posses. I'm still suggesting- learn to use your psychic powers. " She pointed at her coffee spilled jacket.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2023 ⏰

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