7: Investigation

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Twenty-four hours had come and gone and there was still no sign of Gordon, his phone still wasn't receiving calls and he still had not turned up anywhere. Helen was quick to get in contact with the police like she had done multiple times in desperate efforts to try and get their help. Eventually, after a painful and anticipating wait, they came to take details about Gordon and his mysterious disappearance.

Helen gave them every inch of detail they needed to know, many things, like the fact he wasn't in debt with anyone, he had no 'enemies' and that he was happy with his life and didn't really have a valid reason to go missing at all.

She explained that he was at a bar with work colleagues on the day he disappeared and how it was completely out of the ordinary for him to just vanish without saying a word. She also mentioned how they found camera footage of him the night he disappeared and found some strange things that might help aid the investigation. The police took their notes and went on their way. They scoured through the CCTV and turned the park upside down in their efforts to search for the missing young man.

Even at the start of this missing persons case, the police were left stumped by the oddities.

Noticing the strange black grass and the cigarette resting beside it, they decided to send samples to the forensics team. In the meantime, they would begin interviews with all the people who knew Gordon in an attempt to connect someone to a reason as to why he'd vanished and how.

Helen reached out to Gordon's parents. Weronika, his mother who was currently in Poland caring for his grandmother, and William, his father. The two had been separated for many years but had always been on civil terms. Before meeting Helen, Gordon lived with his father when his grandmother became ill with dementia, forcing Weronika to move over and take full care of her.

Upon hearing the news of her son's disappearance, although shocked and very clearly concerned, she was sure Gordon would be somewhere safe and would turn up soon. She told Helen she had to remain in Lask until further news.

His father took the news just about the same. He was a little worried but was certain Gordon would show up soon but as Helen described what she had found since his disappearance William's voice became evermore weakened by concern.

Dan had informed the band of what happened.

The band decided to have a meeting about the situation and all agreed to meet at Mickey's Bar during the day, to seat themselves down to a casual pint.

Dan entered the bar to find Jeb already sitting alone, waiting. The bar was rather empty aside from a few regulars here and there, he promptly orders a pint and joins him.

''Where's Pete? Wasn't he coming?'' Asks Jeb, lifting his head to Dan.

''He said he was... I'll give him a ring in a sec,'' Dan replies as he slumps down on a crooked stool.

''Any news then?'' Jeb asks in concern.

''No mate. Let's wait for Pete first, yeah?''

''Fair enough... honestly mate... I don't get it....''

''Yeah Jeb, no one does. It's-''

Pete barges through the main door with a ghostly look on his face. Dan and Jeb's heads both dart over to see Pete, looking rather unhinged. ''Lads!'' He shouts.

The whole bar snaps to his highlighted entrance. Noticing this, he immediately reforms his demeanour.

''Pete?! What's up?'' Dan rises.

Pete scurries to the table. ''Lads....'' he leans in whispering loudly. ''The fucking police!''

Dan and Jeb share a glance as their ears prick up. ''Have they found something?!'' Ask's Dan.

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