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AFTER PLACING THE last of the dishes in the dishwasher, I washed my hands under the tap and dried them.

No one who took a glance would be able to tell that my heart was currently thudding an erratic beat in my chest or that a feeling of dread was steadily creeping its way up my spine.

Outside, there was hardly any daylight left from what I could see through the kitchen window overlooking the backyard. The orange sun was likely low on the horizon now, differing hues of red and yellow peeking over the backdrop of trees in the distance.

I sucked in a shaky breath, pushing the hair back from my face.

Hours earlier when we'd just gotten home and I was explaining everything to Kaitlyn and Ashton, she'd helped me take my braids down. Now, my shoulder-length hair had a kind of wavey definition because of the braid out and fluffed-out around my face.

I heard footsteps and turned to see Kaitlyn coming out of the pantry carrying a head of garlic which she held up for me to see, "Are you sure these aren't effective because-"

"Kait, can you please take this seriously?" I rolled my eyes, grabbed the garlic from her, and tossed it in the trash.

"I am!" She heaved a sigh, placing her hands on her hips, "It's not my fault we don't know anything about vampires. How do you know it wouldn't have worked anyway?"

"Because," Taking her by the elbow, I led her up the stairs, "The book never mentioned that, and if Tyler himself said a stake to the heart could immobilize a vampire, I think we're better off listening to him instead of some old wives tales."

"Yeah, but after what you told us, do you really think your plan is foolproof?"

"It doesn't need to be foolproof," I mumbled, leading her down the hallway, "It just needs to work."

Ashton was in Kaitlyn's room as we passed by and he left to trail behind us as we headed for my bedroom. When we entered the dark room, Kait went over to fling the curtains aside, letting the last of the sun's rays wash over the room. She turned to see me heading over to my desk.

"What if something goes wrong, Karma?" she asked, causing a tightening feeling in my chest.

"It won't, so long as we're careful."

"And how do you know that?" She crossed her arms, "Are you sure we can't call the police or-?"

"And tell them what?" I asked, cutting her off, "That my undead boyfriend was keeping me hostage and now we're trying to trap him so we can find a way to reverse his vampirism?"

"I mean..." She lifted her shoulders in a hopeful shrug.

"Hate to admit it but Karma's right," that was the first time I'd ever heard Ashton say my actual name and I looked over to see that he was frowning even from where he stood across the room with his back resting against the wall, "The police are idiots and they'll think we're just fucking around if we say shit like that."

To Kiss A 𝙹𝙴𝚁𝙺𝚆𝙰𝙳 [Werewolf|Vampire Romance]Where stories live. Discover now