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—Of his parents, Cain favored most his mother, Eve

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—Of his parents, Cain favored most his mother, Eve. Eve favored her son Abel. Abel only favored himself.



I cringed each time I heard the sound.

With one last pop of her gum the beaming secretary turned to me with a grin so large it took up most of her face.

Who has this much energy at 7:30 in the morning?

Not missing a beat, she handed me a stack, "Welcome to Seacrest High!"

I offered a bored look for all the time she took to locate the stupid papers, making me late in the process, and since the bell already went off, the hallways were quickly emptying.

Taking the papers which held my schedule, a small booklet and a map of the school, I hiked my new backpack up on my shoulder and started my death march, already knowing I'd get lost.

I wasn't very good at reading maps (or just reading in general) and now it looks like I'm doomed to commit the 'newcomer is fashionably late' cliché, thanks to the gum popping secretary.

I made my way through long hallway after long hallway, map in one hand while I searched for my homeroom class first. I could find my locker later, for now, I was already fifteen minutes late and the halls were so empty I could almost see tumbleweed blowing through them.

"Just my luck," I sighed, "I'm not a people person anyway."

I was ready to call it quits, looking around the empty corridors and that's when I saw a familiar blue eyed devil swaggering his way down the hallway towards me.

His presence was intense for sure and I swallowed, out of reflex.
I was about to call out to him but thought better of it and turned immediately on my heels, heading the opposite way.

Tristan still hasn't said a single word to me since I got here and it's been three whole days. We might be living in the same house but I'd barely seen him over the long weekend which means we were still virtually strangers, so there's no way I was going to initiate a conversation with him.

And besides, he still looked at me like I was an impostor, as if it was my fault his dad decided to fall in love with my mom after knowing her all of ten seconds.

He should blame cupid or some other deity for that.

As I rounded the corner, the hallway in front of me had a handful of students milling around and I was glad to finally run into someone that wasn't the damn devil himself.

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