Part 20

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June 16th, 1962

5 films over the course of two and a half years. It was very fast paced at times, but mostly it really dragged, yet somehow 1962 was now halfway through. Life while E made movies was different than touring. You and his media proclaimed 'Memphis Mafia' were put up in hotels all across the country for the filming time on every movie. You were able to become close with all the newer guys apart of Elvis's life. Joe Esposito and Charlie Hodge were the main two that seemed to join in the shenanigans with Red, Sonny, and Elvis and there were plenty of shenanigans and lits of mystery with the pills that Elvis and eventually most of the guys would takem you were intrigued, but stayed out of that. Either way it was shenanigans. It was honestly the most fun you had in awhile and you truly felt like you were able to be the best of friends with Elvis and his friends. No tension, no strong feelings of love, no drama. Everything was how it should have been. Or so it seemed.

You had some off time before E's next movie so as was tradition, you, the guys, and a few trusted fans and friends would keep company at the Barris family house. It was a beautiful home, almost like an oasis, tucked away with endless tall trees and palms. As the guys decided on playing pool, you opted for a stroll in the small courtyard to get your daily walk and sunshine in. Elvis happened upon you, making his way to the pool room. "Y/n! Just the gal I wanted to see." He smiled and gave you a hug. "Oh? And why do I get such a pleasure?" You giggle. "Well, I have a bit of a surprise for you, well not for you, for every...well it's a surprise. Kinda..and..." You burst into laughter and put a hand on his shoulder. "Why Elvis Presley, you're a nervous little than ain't ya?" You continue to laugh. He chuckles nervously and clears his throat to get your attention back. "Anyways, Priscilla army officer's daughter...she's coming to stay here." Your face sank slightly. The girl from Germany. Your mind flashed to the interview he did and the way he lit up just thinking of her back then. It all made sense with the way he was acting. "So, why's this a surprise?" You inquire, wondering how Elvis could possibly think this was good news for you. "Well, you ain't the only girl with everyone now. Isn't that good?" Elvis attempts a smile. You give a small smile and shrug. "Sure, I suppose. But E, when is she coming?" You ask. "Late tonight. After midnight. I'm sure we'll all be able to wait up for her though." He said. You nodded and crossed your arms over your chest, as if to hold in your racing thoughts in your mind. "I'm sure we will. I'll have my camera ready for her then?" You assume and he immediately shakes his head frantically. "Hell no! This is a no cameras allowed two weeks...cept for maybe if we go somewhere fun course..." Elvis clarified. You nodded. "Sure E. Whatever you want boss." You say sarcastically. Some of tour more conflicting feelings had manifested in your sarcasm and Ekvis gave you a look. "She's a sweet little thing. Please be nice. She means a lot." Elvis said, taking you back with his words, but in order to be a supportive best friend you nod and agree. As he gives you a hug and goes off towards the pool room, you take a deep breath, at last. The tension was back and your thoughts alone made you nervous. You had thought being E's best friend was enough. In fact it was wonderful, but this feeling...the jealousy gave you flashbacks of the years prior of the drama and constant head spinning. It made you half crazy and you didn't want that again. You had to bury the feelings deep. At least deep enough to last two weeks with this Priscilla. Hopefully this will be another Dixie or June situation and she'll be out of the picture quicker than she came in.

June 17th, 1962

It must have been well past midnight. The rest of the giant complex was quiet but down in the pool room was filled with energy. Elvis was feeling most of it with his jokes and contagious laughter. You and Joe were up against Elvis and Lamar at the moment and it was your turn once again. You take hold of the pool stick and lower yourself to line up your shot. "Honey, you may have to lean over a little more to make that." Elvis teased in his regular flirty way. You smirk and roll your eyes. You shoot the shot and the ball knocks one of your stripes in the pocket. "YEE HAW! DAMN GIRL!" Joe called our and you high fived. A clearing of a throat interrupted your celebration and everyone's eyes went to the door. A short brunette girl in what could only be described as a school girl uniform stood there holding two large bags. Elvis immediately went to her. "Cilla!" He exclaimed, hugging her tightly. They stood away from everyone talking for a moment, holding up the game. You crossed your arms impatiently. "E, are you gonna give the game to us then?" You pipe up and cock an eyebrow. That got his attention. He smirked at you and took a spare pool stick. "Not so quick baby." He chuckled and jabbed the poolstick at your ass. "ELVIS!" You jumped surprised at the jab. You go to slap his arm and watch as he takes his shot and misses. "Aw hell. Time for a break I gotta show Cilla around." He said, clearly frustrated at losing. "Sure sure." You giggle and watch as he places a hand on Priscilla's back, walking out of the room. "You think he's gonna get that ass tonight?" Lamar laughed and nudged Red. Sonny and Joe looked at you for your reaction at another female in Elvis's life. You rolled your eyes and Joe and Sonny took that as a sign to continue their conversation about Elvis and their own personal conquests. You take that as your que to retire to your room. If you were going to spend two weeks with this new presence in the group you would need as much rest as you could get. As you made your way to your room you saw Elvis and Cilla enter the room down the hall from yours. 'Great. I'll hear them.' You thought to yourself. You go inside your own room and lock yourself away. A lump forms surprisingly in your throat, but you go to get a glass of water from your insuite bathroom and it goes away. You go to turn on the TV as has been a routine for awhile. You and Elvis for that matter couldn't sleep without a TV on. Your favorite romance film is on and you get in bed and pull the covers to your face. A stray tear falls as you let one thought enter your mind; Elvis will forget and replace you with Priscilla. You wipe the tear and toss the thought both quickly away. You close your eyes and attempt to sleep, wishing for the two weeks to go by quickly.

June 20th, 1962

A spontaneous trip to Vegas was in the cards on Priscilla's last few days with Elvis. It was a typical Elvis move to uo and gather the group and hit the road. So you all piled into your prospective cars and carvanned to Vegas where you ended up staying at the Sahara Hotel. This was the trip Elvis had finally requested your camera to be present. He clearly wanted it to be known he was out with Priscilla which was different than anytime before. Your jealousy had been kept under wraps for most of the time except in the confines of your bedroom and even then at times you would will yourself to try to be happy for your best friend and Elvis was clearly very happy with her. Vegas was fun nonetheless. You took very few pictures but enough to satisfy Elvis. Moving ahead of Elvis and Priscilla and snapping a photo of both of them.

The way E had her dressing for her stay was night and day from the day you laid eyes on her

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The way E had her dressing for her stay was night and day from the day you laid eyes on her. Gone were her school girl clothes and even demeanor. Replaced by a mysterious, grown woman, despite finding out she was even younger than yourself. It was an interesting experience to witness their two weeks together since Elvis had been in Germany. The way he described her after coming back was very similar to how it was when she spoke with you. Very reserved, polite, and mature. Elvis was enamored though. This already seemed different...much different than the other girlfriends. He was truly glowing around her and loved showing her off as if she was a small trophy. Although we all new it couldn't last or at least become very well known due to her age. So we all did what we did best with Elvis; we kept his secret the best we could until he was ready to say anything to the press. You had a sinking, gut feeling though that she would be around for quite sometime and that's what truly scared you. Things were changing and this wouldn't be something Elvis could ignore or avoid forever.

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