The arcade

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After Mackenzie's little outburst I had to calm her down and play some games. We played tons of games and spent $30 worth of coins in the arcade. We won 83965 tickets and went berserk on stuff. In the middle of the games Mackenzie started hitting on some boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. His name was Alec and he seemed more outgoing than expected.

After a while I saw them making out in the corner so I just kept playing air hockey with some random kid. I lost so he got some tickets but it was fun anyways.

After a while we left the arcade. I excitedly ran out hugging a huge teddy bear that I won and suddenly bumped into someone. It was Kade!

"Oof! Sorry! I didn't mean to hit you!" I said as I peeked from behind the large teddy.

"It's okay Mr. Teddy!" Said a familiar voice jokingly.

"Oh Mai Gawd!" Squealed Mackenzie, "Is that the hottie you were talking about earlier!"

"Hottie?" Questioned Kade.

"She's talking about the Mr. Teddy," I said nervously and took off for the car. I drove a cherry red Dodge Charger. It was mah babeh.

I quickly jumped into the seat and sat the teddy beside me while waiting on Mackenzie. She eventually got to the car but pouted when she say Mr. Teddy in the front seat.

"Wow, you replaced me!" She said holding her chest like she was hurt jokingly.

"Just get in the back," I giggled.

She hopped in and I drove off to my house to eat some food and hang out. Mackenzie would probably stay the night at my house as usual and we'd talk about some secrets and all of that freaky stuff. We've been best friends since kindergarten so I tell her EVERYTHING. (She knows me so well ^~^)

When we made it to my house we went into my kitchen and grabbed some potato chips and faygo (eheheheh I'm Gamzee). We went into my bedroom and watched anime and stuff because we are geeks.

"Oh Mai Gawd I love black butler!" I squealed.

"You're welcome," said Mackenzie in a non-interested tone. She showed me the show and now I'm hooked.

I seem to get hooked on lots of things easily lately...

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