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Third-person Pov-

"Mr.Lee is glaring at you," Jimin whispered lightly poking his friend with his finger.
Taehyung who was doodling in his notebook looked at him and then at the professor who had his hands crossed, scowling at him.

"I guess it's time that I meet with your brother, right Taehyung?" Me. Lee asked in a sharp tone. The whole class looked at him. Shit

"No Sir, actually I was not feeling well-" he could not complete his sentence when the older male started speaking in between.

"Then why did you come? you should better stay at home anyhow you're not doing anything productive." The older male said in a furious tone.
Well, Taehyung has not been paying attention to the lecture since it started and that irked the professor extremely.

"I'm sorry......" He simply said looking down. The professor shook his head and continued his teaching.

Taehyung took one last glance at the door again and sadly he looked at the board not wanting his brother to be called. His brother will surely scold him really badly.

'Where are you Jungkook...', he thought eyes still on the board.
He had been waiting for the revenette to show up but it feels like he is not going to come today.

Soon the bell rang, and the students rushed out of the class without letting the professor complete himself. Jimin stood up keeping his books in the bag but halted seeing his friend still not moving from his place. He went to him and keeping his one hand on the other's shoulder he shook him a little.

"Tae is something wrong?"Jimin examined his friend who jumped at the sudden touch.

" uh..nuh-nothing everything is fine," Taehyung said, laughing nervously, he cursed himself for worrying his friend.

"You said you're not feeling well, what happened?" Jimin inquired in a soft tone, looking genuinely concerned.

"Just a stomach ache, I could not eat anything in the morning so maybe that is why."He explained, mentally regretting lying to his best friend. Jimin smiled, feeling relieved that there was nothing serious.

" hmm, then let's get you something to eat," he said throwing his hand on the other's shoulder and motioning him to move.
Taehyung held his bags and started walking with Jimin.

"I saw you continuously looking at the door throughout the lecture," Jimin started and Taehyung looked at him with furrowed brows.

Shit was he that obvious?

"were you waiting for someone, hmm?" Jimin said in a teasing tone and Taehyung looked at him, eyes wide he could feel his cheeks heating.

He was not waiting for Jungkook.

"No Jimin!" He said or more like yelled, startling Jimin as he got all flustered.

"Chill! I was kidding." He said questioningly eyeing his friend who started looking around not making any eye contact with him.

"I need to pee, I'll meet you in the canteen," Taehyung announced and hurriedly paced away before Jimin could say anything further.

"What's wrong with him?" Jimin mumbled staring at Taehyung's back.
He sighed and shook his head as he strode to the cafeteria.


Taehyung was currently in the washroom, staring at himself in the mirror.

"What is wrong with me?" he questioned himself, he was frustrated by everything happening to him.

If he doesn't see Jungkook for a day why does it bother him so much? It has been less than two weeks since Jungkook entered his life and his situation is like this.
Why does he feel so attached to the older?

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