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Third Person Pov-

Days passed and the Spring season has now covered the city of Seoul after the cold winters. People say, the Spring season brings love and happiness in everyone's life, and new kinds of flower blooms in this season radiating positivity and joy...but this doesn't apply for all because there is one boy whose heart is opposite of the spring season.

The eyes which used to be full of love, joy, and kindness have now become dull and gray, and the infamous boxy smile which used to adorn his face now rarely appears...mostly the forced one.

His beautiful silver locks have slowly turned dull ash color because of not dyeing them furthermore--- yeah Spring season does not bring happiness for all.
Even though everything changed about him but one thing remained the same- his beauty whether with light silver hair or ash-colored hair.

Presently he was on his balcony, his cold eyes observing the beautiful flowers in his garden and the sound of fireflies surrounding as the soft light emitting from them directly falling on his face.

"STOP IT NAMJOON-" he flinched hearing a loud, angry voice---Jin hyung?

He turned around and slowly walked to the elder's room. He stopped and stood leaning against the wall, he saw his brother sitting on the bed with his head cast down and Jin standing in front of him with his hands crossed.
He stared at them because deep down he knew, he must be the reason for their fight and he was proved right when he heard Jin's words.

"Just because that boy doesn't feel the same towards your brother, you will try to destroy his life?---What are you?---a teenager!" Jin retorted shaking his head and Namjoon gritted his teeth as he glared at Jin.

"Can you shut the fuck up, he will hear-" Namjoon stood up as he walked towards Jin who did not budge from his place.

"Then let him hear---let him hear what his dear brother is doing and believe me once he gets to know he will hate you-" he was interrupted by a loud growl.

"SHUT UP, ---JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP" Namjoon yelled and Taehyung flinched, Namjoon grabbed his husband's jaw in a tight hold who winced and looked at him with his now teary eyes.

"My bun will never hate me--- and You don't tell me what to do--...and mind your business for fuck's sakes, you know what? I'm just gonna sleep now," Namjoon said and lay on the mattress covering himself with the duvet.
Jin looked at him with a hurt expression as he sighed, he wiped his tears and took a different blanket from the cupboard.

He also lay on the bed and using a different blanket as he slept back-facing Namjoon.

Taehyung stood there for a while and then he turned around and walk toward his room.

He entered his room and closed the door sliding down it, he swallowed thickly feeling the lump in his throat. He pulled out a phone from his trousers and dialed a number, after a few rings.


"Jiminie, help me find a new apartment...I want to move out." Taehyung said there was silence for a while then he heard a low voice.

"but you can stay with me, or I'll move in with you-

"No Jiminie, I'll go alone but I need your this little favor --you please help me." Taehyung pleaded.

"You don't have to say please dummy--- of course, I'll help you find a house...tomorrow after classes then---"

"Fine, night!"

"Goodnight Tae." Jimin cut the call as he lay on the bed.

These few days have changed everything, even their friendship which is not the same anymore---not from his side but from Taehyung's side. The boy has taken a three-sixty-degree turn in his personality. Jimin is still the same, always ready to help his brother like a friend but the younger rarely speaks---rarely asks for any help.

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