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Long chap ahead👀

Third-person Pov.

"Yes! Finally vacation." Jimin exclaimed as both friends happily walked outside the library.

"Yeah.." Taehyung whispered unlike the previous year, he was not much happy about the holidays this year for an unknown reason.

"Are you not happy?" Jimin asked through knitted brows as he looked at him suspiciously. Yeah, nowadays Jimin is always suspicious about everything related to him and this makes Taehyung a little annoyed.

"Huh...why would you ask that I'm very much happy, after all we'll be finally free from Mr.Lee for a few days." He said with enthusiasm and Jimin was finally pleased hearing that.

"So..when are you leaving for Busan?" Taehyung asked changing up the topic as they went towards the locker to take their things.

"Tomorrow evening.." Jimin said, not looking at him as he opened his locker.

"Hmm, I'll come to drop you off at the airport," Taehyung said leaning against the lockers as he stared at Jungkook who also took his things out. Jimin hummed at that smiling.

"Let's go.." He said and Taehyung nodded his head, he took a last glance at the raven-haired boy. Sighing to himself he walked out the college gate.

Both the friends were busy talking with themselves not paying any kind to the surrounding, suddenly Taehyung got a mischievous idea and glanced at his friend.

"Jiminie..." He called and Jimin glanced at him.

"What?" He asked with one eyebrow raised as stared at him.

"How fast can you run?" Taehyung asked with a mischievous glint in his eyes and Jimin smirked at the question.

"Really Tae! You're asking such a silly question, don't you remember I've been winning the dash for years." He said proudly as he flipped his hair.

"Hmm...." He hummed and kept quiet for a while

".....THEN CATCH ME IF YOU CAN," he yelled as he started running fast as he can with deep giggles resonating all around. Jimin widened his eyes at the sudden action but soon he too started sprinting to catch the silver head.

"TAE! YOU CAN'T RUN AWAY LIKE THAT" He yelled between his breath. People gawking at them, some enjoying their little show and some shaking their heads to see grown-ups behaving like kids.

"I CAN AND I'M DOING JIMINIE, CATCH ME." the silver head said between his giggles as he took another turn moving towards the road.

"TAE DON'T GO THERE.." He yelled but Taehyung was in his world to care about what his friend was saying.

Knowing that his friend won't listen to him anytime soon, Jimin quickened his speed because the road can be a little dangerous to pull out these types of stunts.

Taehyung laughed as he turned around seeing Jimin having a hard time catching him. Jimin sometimes brags too much so he decided to be a little mischievous and there is no harm in doing so but what he didn't see was a truck coming towards him in a full.

"JIMINIEE.." Taehyung teased, his head still turned sideways not caring about what was coming from the other side, he was too involved in teasing his friend that he did not even hear the loud honking of the truck.

Jimin laughed but when he saw the truck from the corner of his eyes moving towards his silly friend, his eyes widened. He ran as fast as he could.

"TAE GET ASIDE...TRUCK." Jimin screamed his lungs out and Taehyung stopped on his track with confusion visible on his face.

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