Chapter 3

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Katie's POV

I stop to see whats in front of me, The Scales of Justice. The Scales are beautiful. The base is embedded with gold and diamond designs. The scales themselves are yin yang symbols. Vines have grown up the base, but it adds to the beauty, like they are meant to be there. I am overwhelmed with joy. I stand there in awe, they're just so beautiful. 'Ianite does exist!' I beam.'She does' the voice agrees. Out of the corner of my eye I can see something on one of the scales. I walk up and I am super nervous. 'Am I even supposed find this' I ask. 'Yes you are meant supposed to find the scales' The voice assures. I walk walk up to the scale that the thing on it. I look closer at it to see that is a beautiful necklace. It has a simple but beautiful gold chain leading up to a crystal ender eye. It's the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. It's simple but elegant. 'Is this for me?' I ask. 'Maybe you should look at what's on the scale.' He replies. I look at the other and see a piece of paper.

Dear Katie,

I know that your life has been hard being my only follower at this school and I know that you were afraid that you were wrong, that Mianite and Dianite were the only gods, but now you know that they are wrong and your are right. You must remember that you need to have hope. This is why I have given you this necklace, so when ever you feel that all hope is lost you can look at it remember that hope is always there, it is never lost just hidden and waiting for the right moment to show itself again. And the necklace is really pretty, simple but elegant. I know this will be hard for you, but you must only tell Ethan about the Scales of Justice. The teachers will not understand. Imagine if someone went up to you and said that everything you believe is true is wrong. I am sorry I could not see you in person, but we will see each other soon.



PS: love the hair. ;)

I look over at the purple tips of my hair. My hair has always been this way. My parents have tried to cut it off but the color comes back the next day. The rest of my hair is a really dark brown almost black, it also has light curls. I read the letter one more time and start to read it again when the voice starts to talk again. 'Katie, you need to go find Ethan and tell him what happened'. 'Ok' I say back. I run back to try to find Ethan. I hope he isn't still in class. I run around a corner into the courtyard. "Ethan" I yell hoping that he is there. "What" he asks. Thank Mianite he's here. "Something really amazing just happened." I tell him. I walk up to him to see that he is pale. "Dude what happened? You're pale" I ask. "Something weird just happened to me to, but you go first" He says. "Ok" I say cautiously, but explain what just happened.

After I finish he just looks at me dumbfounded. "Did you hear me?" I laugh. He snaps out of it and asks "Can I see the letter?" "Sure" I pull the letter out and hand it to him. He takes it and looks at me like I'm crazy. "What?" I ask. "There's nothing here" He says. "What!" I yell and take the paper back. I look at it to see that it says something different.

Sorry forgot to say that only you can read this and there is a little opening in your necklace that you can put this in.

"Well that would have been helpful to know" I mumble.

"So what happened to the words?" Ethan asks. "Apparently only I read them" I say.

"Really, how does it work!?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"I don't know, maybe she told you."

"There is no opening in the necklace"I says as I fidget around with my necklace.


"She wrote that there was an opening in the necklace, but there isn't" I fidget with the necklace and end up pushing the middle and I opens.

"Looks like you figured it out" Ethan says.

"I guess I did" I fold up the letter, place in it and shut the necklace. The bell rings and People start pouring out of the classrooms.

"What class do you have next?" I ask Ethan

"Math, what do you have?"

"Science, see you later"


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