Chapter 30

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Katie's POV

It's only been apparently a day, which is still weird because it only felt like a few hours but I will have to ask Ianite about that later because right now I need to make Josh PANCAKES!!! But I missed Josh and Ethan a lot. I tell Josh about what happened at Aethoria while we make pancakes. "So what was that girls name that lead you to the temple?" Josh asks. "Bella" I answer. "Wait what!?? What does she look like?!?" Josh asks, so Bella does know Josh! "She has red eyes, brownish hair that is blondish at the bottom, black hoodie, black combat boots, and gray shorts" I say. "Katie, I know Bella" He says, which would surprise me but it was kinda obvious that Bella knew him. 

"I kinda figured"

"Did she mention me?"

"Sorda, but how do you know each other?"

Josh explains the hole story(I already explained it twice so guys probs don't want to hear it again) and he almost looks like he is going to cry. "Josh you will see them again, we are going to break out of school" I say, and he immediately brightens up and hugs me. "How?!?!" He asks, he looks so excited that it just makes me so happy. "After I got back I checked the Paper that is in my necklace and it basically said that this Paper can only receive, it can't send. And she gave me a list of the people that are at School, at the end she said that I would know who they are. I didn't know what she meant at the time, but I went outside and I saw a girl with really REALLY curly hair and purple tips. I got this feeling that she was one of them. I think that she got the feeling to because we doth walked up to each other. We ended up going to her Room and she said that her and her friends had a way out, like through the files and everything! We're getting out of here on Friday!" I say. "But I need help finding the other people" I look up Josh and I know what he is going to say. "Of course I will help!!! Anything to help get us out of this stupid place!" He says, "But can we search for them after pancakes" He says and gives me his silly puppy eyes. "Haha! Of course, nothing could stop me from making your pancakes!" I say, and we continue laughing and making pancakes.

Cate's POV

I walk around outside just thinking, about anything and everything. I am always thinking and sometimes really deeply, my friends call it spacing (spacing out) but sometimes when I am thinking really deeply I get these vision type things. I haven't told anyone because... well... I don't really know why, I've just felt like its the right thing to do, but... I don't know, should I tell someone? But before I can decide anything I have another vision.

I walk into Kari's room, but it doesn't look like she is there. I look at the clock in the small living room and it reads 10:32pm. I walk in to her bedroom but she isn't there either. I walk over to the last room in her Room, the bathroom. I can see that the door is locked but I can just pass through the walls, I can only observe things, I can't touch anything and I can pass through things like walls and stuff. I look and see what's in the bathroom, this can't be... she can't be. I start to cry at the sight that is in front of me. Kari is laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood, both her wrist slit.


Well... that went from happy to sad really fast D= So, a little more info on spacing, irl Cate does this thing where she just kinda stares at nothing, and doesn't say or do anything. I will have to like yell at her to bring her back to the real world. So, I made this other really random book, that is just supposed to be really random and funny! Anyways thanks for reading and if you liked this chapter please press that little star to vote it helps a lot, and comment if you feel like! =D

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