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I gaze out at the sea, tuning out his conversation with Ros—I think—his number two.

I am rich stinking rich.

I have done nothing to earn this money just married a rich man.

I shudder as my mind drifts back to our conversation about prenups.

It was the Sunday after his birthday and we were seated at the kitchen table enjoying a leisurely breakfast . . . all of us.

Hobi, Tae, Grace and I were debating the merits of bacon versus sausage, while Carrick and Jungkook read the Sunday paper . . .

"Look at this," squeals Mia as she sets her netbook on the kitchen table in front of us.

"There's a gossipy item on the Seattle Nooz website about you being engaged, Jungkook."

"Already?" Grace says in surprise.

Then her mouth purses as some obviously unpleasant thought crosses her mind.

Jungkook frowns.

Mia reads the column out loud.

"Word has reached us here at The Nooz that Seattle's most eligible bachelor, the Jeon Jungkook, has finally been snapped up and wedding bells are in the air but who is the lucky, guy?"

"The Nooz is on the hunt, Bet he's reading one helluva prenup."

Mia giggles then stops abruptly as Jungkook glares at her.

Silence descends and the atmosphere in the Jeon kitchen plunges to below zero.

Oh no! A prenup?

The thought has never crossed my mind.

I swallow, feeling all the blood drain from my face. Please ground, swallow me up now!

Jungkook shifts uncomfortably in his chair as I glance apprehensively at him.

"No," he mouths at me.

"Jungkook," Carrick says gently.

"I'm not discussing this again," he snaps at Carrick who glances at me nervously and opens his mouth to say something.

"No prenup!" He almost shouts at him and broodingly goes back to reading his paper, ignoring everyone else at the table.

They look alternately at me then him then anywhere but at the two of us.

"Jungkook," I murmur. "I'll sign anything you and Mr Jeon want."

Jeez, it wouldn't be the first time he's made me sign something.

He looks up and glares at me.

"No!" he snaps. I blanch once more.

"It's to protect you."

"Son, Jimin I think you should discuss this in private." Grace admonishes us.

She glares at Carrick and Mia.

Oh dear, looks like they're in trouble, too.

"Jimin, this is not about you," Carrick murmurs reassuringly.

"And please call me Carrick."

Jungkook narrows cold eyes at his father and my heart sinks.

Hell He's really mad.

Everyone erupts into animated conversation and Mia and Tae leap up to clear the table.

"I definitely prefer sausage," exclaims hobi.

 FIFTY SHADES OF JEON || BOOK 2 JIKOOK ✅ (18*)Where stories live. Discover now