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Throughout my conversation
with her, Jungkook holds my hand, brushing his thumb
across my knuckles.

He's nervous . . .

Something's happened.

"What's wrong?" I ask when I'm finally free from my mother.

"Welch wants to see me."

"Welch? Why?"

"He's found something out
about that fucker." his lip curls into a snarl and a frisson of
fear passes through me.

"He didn't want to tell me
on the phone."


"He's coming here this
afternoon from Detroit."

"You think he's found a connection?" He nods.

"What do you think it is?"

"I have no idea." Jungkook's
brow furrows, perplexed.

Taylor pulls into the garage at Escala and stops by the elevator to let us out before he parks.

In the garage, we can avoid the attention of the waiting photographers.

Jungkook ushers me out of
the car.

Keeping his arm around my waist, he leads me to the
waiting elevator.

"Glad to be home?" he asks.

"Yes." I whisper.

But as I stand in the familiar surroundings of the elevator,
the enormity of what I've been through crashes over me
and I start to shake.

"Hey." He wraps his arms
around me and pulls me close.

"You're home."

"You're safe." he says, kissing my hair.

"Oh, Jungkook."

A dam I didn't even know was in place bursts and I start to sob.

"Hush now." He whispers, cradling my head against
his chest.

But it's too late.

I weep, overwhelmed, into
his T-shirt, recalling Min's
vicious attack.

"That's for SIP, you fucking bitch!"—

Telling Jungkook I was
leaving— "You're leaving me?"

And my fear, my gut-wrenching fear for Mia, for myself and
for Little Blip.

When the doors of the elevator slide open, He picks me up like
a child and carries me into the foyer.

I wrap my arms around his neck and cling to him, keening quietly.

He carries me through to our bathroom and gently settles
me on the chair.

"Bath?" he asks.

I shake my head.

No . . . no . . . not like Leila.

"Shower?" His voice is choked with concern.

Through my tears, I nod.

I want to wash away the grime
of the last few days, wash away the memory of Min's attack.

"You gold digging whore."

I sob into my hands as the
sound of the water cascading from the shower echoes off
the walls.

"Hey." Jungkook croons.

 FIFTY SHADES OF JEON || BOOK 2 JIKOOK ✅ (18*)Where stories live. Discover now