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My BlackBerry jumps to life, "Your Love is King" filling the room. Oh no!

What does he want? To twist
the knife in my wounds?

"Was it always the money?"

How could you think that?

Anger flares in my gut.

Yes, anger.

It helps.

I send the call to voice mail.

I'll deal with my husband later.

There's a knock on the door.

It's Whelan.

"The money is ready."

"Thank you." I stand up and
the room spins momentarily.

I clutch the chair.

"Sir are you feeling okay?"

I nod and give him a back-
off-now-mister stare, I take another deep calming breath.

I have to do this.

I have to do this.

I must save Mia.

I pull the hem of my hooded sweatshirt down, concealing
the butt of the pistol in the
back of my jeans.

Mr. Whelan frowns but holds open the door and I propel myself forward on my shaking limbs.

Sawyer is waiting at the entrance, scanning the public area.

Shit! Our eyes meet, and he frowns at me, gauging my reaction. Oh, he's mad.

I hold up my index finger in a with-you-in-a-minute gesture.

He nods and answers a call on his cell phone. Shit!

I bet that's Jungkook. I turn abruptly, almost colliding with Whelan right behind me and
bolt back into the little office.

"Mr Jeon?" Whelan sounds confused as he follows me
back in.

Sawyer could blow this whole plan, I gaze up at Whelan.

"There's someone out there I don't want to see."

"Someone following me."

Whelan's eyes widen.

"Do you want me to call the police?"

"No." Holy fuck, no.

What am I going to do?

I glance at my watch.

It's nearly three fifteen.

Min will call any moment.

Think, Jimin think! Whelan
gazes at me in growing desperation and bewilderment.

He must think I'm crazy.

You are crazy, my
subconscious snaps.

"I need to make a call."

"Could you give me some privacy, please?"

"Certainly." Whelan answers—grateful, I think, to leave the room.

When he's closed the door, I
call Mia's cell phone with trembling fingers.

"Well, if it isn't my pay
check." Min answers scornfully.

I don't have time for his bullshit.

"I have a problem."

"I know, Your security followed you to the bank."

 FIFTY SHADES OF JEON || BOOK 2 JIKOOK ✅ (18*)Where stories live. Discover now