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Wow no wonder the back of this car has so much legroom.

"I want to look at your ankles"he offers his quiet explanation.

His gaze is anxious.

The cuff marks?

I thought we'd dealt with this.

If there are marks, they are hidden by the sandal straps.

I don't recall seeing any this morning.

Gently, he strokes his thumb up my right instep, making me wriggle.

A smile plays on his lips and deftly he undoes one strap and his smile fades as he's confronted with the darker red marks.

"Doesn't hurt," I murmur.

He glances at me and his expression is sad, his mouth a thin line.

He nods once as if he's taking me at my word while I shake my sandal loose so it falls to the floor but I know I've lost him.

He's distracted and brooding again, mechanically caressing my foot while he turns away to gaze out the car window once more.


"What did you expect?" I ask softly.

He glances at me and shrugs.

"I didn't expect to feel like I do looking at these marks." he says.


How can I keep up with him?

"How do you feel?"

Bleak eyes gaze at me. "Uncomfortable." he murmurs.

Oh, no.

I unbuckle my seatbelt and scoot closer to him, leaving my feet in his lap.

I want to crawl into his lap and hold him and I would, if it were just Taylor in the front.

But knowing Gaston is there cramps my style despite the glass. If only it were darker.

I clutch his hands.

"It's the hickeys I don't like." I whisper.

"Everything else, what you did." I lower my voice even further.

"with the handcuffs, I enjoyed that. Well, more than enjoyed."

"It was mind-blowing,You can do that to me again anytime."

He shifts in his seat. "Mind-blowing?"

"Yes." I grin.

I flex my toes into his hardening crotch and see rather than hear his sharp intake of breath, his lips parting.

"You should really be wearing your seat belt, baby." His voice is low and I curl my toes around him once more.

He inhales and his eyes darken and he clasps my ankle in warning, Does he want me stop?


He pauses, scowls then fishes his ever-present BlackBerry out of his pocket to take an incoming call while glancing at his watch.

His frown deepens.

"Barney." he snaps.

Crap. Work interrupting us again.

I try to remove my feet but he tightens his fingers around my ankle.

"In the server room?" he says in disbelief. "Did it activate the fire suppression system?"

Fire! I take my feet off his lap and this time he lets me.

I sit back in my seat, buckle my seat belt and fiddle nervously with the fifteen-thousand-euro bracelet.

He presses the button in his door armrest again and the privacy glass slides down.

"Anyone injured? Damage? I see When?" He glances at his watch again then runs his hand through his hair.

"No. Not the fire department or the police. Not yet anyway."

Holy crap! A fire?

At Jungkook's office? I gape at him, my mind racing.

Taylor shifts so he can hear Jungkook's conversation.

"Has he? Good Okay. I want a detailed damage report and a complete rundown of everyone who had access over the last five days, including the cleaning staff Get hold of Andrea and get her to call me Yeah, sounds like the argon is just as effective, worth its weight in gold."

Damage report? Argon? It rings a distant bell from chemistry class an element, I think.

"I realize it's early E-mail me in two hours No, I need to know."

"Thank you for calling me." He hangs up, then immediately punches a number into the BlackBerry.

"Welch Good When?" Jungkook glances at his watch yet again.

"An hour then yes Twenty-four-seven at the off-site data store good." He hangs up.

"Philippe, I need to be onboard within the hour."

"Monsieur. "

Shit, it's Philippe, not Gaston.

The car surges forward.

Jungkook glances at me, his expression unreadable.

"Anyone hurt?" I ask quietly.

He shakes his head. "Very little damage." He reaches over and clasps my hand, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Don't worry about this."

"My team is on it."

And there he is, the CEO, in command, in control and not flustered at all.

"Where was the fire?"

"Server room."

"Jeon House?"


His responses are clipped, so I know he doesn't want to talk about it.

"Why so little damage?"

"The server room is fitted with a state-of-the-art fire suppression system."

Of course it is.

"Jimin, please don't worry."

"I'm not worried." I lie.

"We don't know for sure that it was arson." he says, cutting to the heart of my anxiety.

My hand clutches my throat in fear. Charlie Tango and now this?

What next?


 FIFTY SHADES OF JEON || BOOK 2 JIKOOK ✅ (18*)Where stories live. Discover now