Letter 4

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Dear Taehyun,

Happy Chuseok! I hope you're having a great day spending your time with your family. Thank goodness that we have Chuseok off.

Remember that time when your mom invited my family to your home and we accidentally messed up one of the dishes while getting out snacks? And they didn't even notice at all ;-;. I guess it's true that adults lose their taste buds as they grow older. No wonder they can endure spicy foods...

Today, I invited Huening Kai to our home to see how Koreans traditionally celebrate Chuseok since he's been in the US practically all of his life. Haha, my mother told him embarrassing stories about me when I was younger. He hid it well but I'm 1000% sure that he was laughing at me. Aish, parents these days... I swear that I was about to drag Huening Kai into the living room if my mom told him about the spicy jalapeño nacho incident when I was 8. And I was pretty young and stupid at age 8.

After I dragged Huening Kai out of the kitchen, we played video games on the TV and he obviously beat me in most of the games... except the racing ones, I practically memorized all the trails and hand movements I had to do >:). You should've seen his face when he realized I beat him. Completely priceless, I say.

Eventually, we had to eat dinner, where my parents  asked him the traditional "how are you" and "where are you from" questions. The usual thing when you meet your friend's parents for the first time.

Unfortunately, Huening Kai left shortly afterwards and here I am, writing to you. Now that I think of it, Huening Kai's time together reminds me of us when we were younger... and I kinda wish that we were still best friends like we were in our childhood, but change is inevitable, whether you want it or not.


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