Revelations, New Point of View, and The Body

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Our walk to the Back Harlow road was silent at first, even though we have been walking for a while. Gordie had been walking with such eagerness, but I think he grew kinda tired after some time because he slowed down, falling into step with Vern, even though it took them both a while to say anything. I strained my ears trying to make sure Vern wouldn't say anything that would set Gordie off. Luckily, Vern kept his cool and they talked about how rich they thought batman was, that's when I stopped listening. 

Chris and I had been walking together this whole time, once Gordie had started conversing, we felt comfortable enough to talk. 

"I'm really worried about him Chris, I mean, you saw him just now."

"I know, I'm worried about him too, usually I'm pretty good at noticing when people are having a meltdown, but Gordie isn't most people, it's hard to tell with him"

"Yeah, which makes it worse because I don't know how to help him, this whole thing makes me feel helpless"

"That's the thing about caring for people, you'll try to do your best to be there for them, but really there's only so much you can do. Gordie has to overcome this stuff on his own, all we can do is be there for him"

"Yeah, I guess you're right, but still I-"

I was cut off by Teddy, going in between us and linking his arm with mine, and grabbing Chris's shoulder with his other hand. 

"Well Bonjour mon amour," said Teddy looking at me, "Chris," he said acknowledging Chris' presence but not looking away from me. Teddy's not usually like this so I couldn't help but chuckle and look at him funny.

"What do you want Teddy?" asked Chris

I wasn't surprised that Chris was irritated by Teddy right now, especially since Teddy doesn't like apologizing and will likely never do so. 

"I just came to strike up some friendly conversation with my Rose, but I guess you're here too" 

"your Rose?"

"yup, glad you're finally acknowledging it" 

There was plenty of tension in the air since Teddy broke in between us, and now it's even thicker. It got worse when Teddy let go of Chris and unlinked our arms only to put his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him. This position was not only uncomfortable, seeing as we're the same height so I was pulled into leaning on my side, but it's also awkward since Teddy and I aren't really like this. I figured he was just trying to irritate Chris even more. 

"What's your problem man?" Chris asked Teddy, both of them stopping in their tracks suddenly making Teddy slightly pull me back. Before Teddy could respond, I moved slightly away from both of them and Teddy let go of me. 

"You know what my problem is Chambers, we've already talked about this"

I had thought that this was about what happened earlier, but I'm pretty sure I missed something. I stayed quiet to try and figure it out. 

"I thought we went over this Teddy, I said that I-"

"You said shit, you're trying to get ahead of me and that's cheating"

"How is that cheating man, besides I didn't agree to shit and we aren't the ones that are gonna make a decision, she is and we gotta respect it man"

At this point, I was completely lost, but by now Chris and Teddy we standing right in front of each other, Chris having to look down slightly. Chris was never a violent person or even an aggressive person, but right now, he looked like he would fight Teddy until one of them gave. This worried me slightly because I know Teddy wouldn't hesitate to try to fight, but I also know that Teddy isn't as tough as he tries to let on. Besides, Chris has seen his brother fight before so I know he knows some things that Teddy doesn't, even if Chris wished he didn't know them. 

Chris chambers once upon a bodyWhere stories live. Discover now