The unamed boy

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Justin's pov: 
This school always was an interesting place to me, all the girls wanting my attention or my friends attention as I'm head of the baseball team. But I play baseball. You think I have a single interest in women? I minds well walk around the halls with a sign glued to my forehead that just reads "I'm Gay leave me alone." I will admit the ladies are pretty and all I just don't like them romantically, but I haven't even found a guy in this school that is pretty or openly gay. So I have remained single. But on a peaceful day in October, my interest began to fall on a certain someone. He was always in this school he just hid well, my friends knew him only as "the outcast of rouge high." Let me rewind abit to tell this story properly. It all started 9 months ago

——9 months ago——
My attention now caught as the principal stood in front of me.
"Justin, stop spacing out your going to be late for class!"
"Oh sorry mr. Taylor....I was just thinking about how I'm going to lead warm up today..."
He sighs and looks to me "it's fine just get to class. I'm sure you don't wanna be late for mr. Olson class."
"Dear god no! Sorry mr. Taylor! I'll head to class right away"
I began speeding to class as I slammed into a boy in the halls knocking him on his ass.
The kid whines and starts picking all his papers up. I kneel down to help him "I'm so sorry! I was trying to get to class" I said fast to the boy.
"It's fine. Just head to class...I can pick everything up myself. Doesn't bother me." The boy spoke quietly.
"No way! That's not fair to you at all I'm Ju-"
"Justin Hills. I know who you are." He said making eye contact with me. I couldn't help but stare at his blueish green eyes and notice how feminine his features were. From his face shape to his beautiful just past shoulder length black hair. I didn't speak. He knows me? But how come I don't know him.
"Yeah, I'm Justin how'd you know?" I asked as I handed the boy papers.
"Your the leader of the baseball team and in some of my classes." He sighed and then spoke again. "Am I that invisible in this school? For you to not realize I'm in 2 out of you're 4 classes this semester?" He looked a little bit hurt.
"You must be in my English and art class. I pay no attention in those." I say to him as he fixes all his papers. "Yup I'm in those classes. My name probably means nothing to you." I now notice he's wearing eyeliner.
"I want to know. I feel bad now!"
"You can just call me the outcast like your Fucking friends Hills. I'm sure your just like those assholes." He got up looking pissed off and upset.
"My friends call you what?" I say worried
"The four morons your always with. Jack, Charlie, Cody and Noah. You're lovely baseball team mates. Now see you in art in 75 mins"
I sat on the ground in shock of what the boy just told me. Is my friend group really such assholes? I get up and head to Mr. Olsons class.
"Jack if you don't sit down I'm gonna light you on fire. Oh hi Justin your late." My teacher seems to be threatening a kid already, seems normal for him. He tried to light Jack on fire last week. This is my lovely science teacher know as Ricky Olson who hates my best friend Jack Fowler. Class today will be a nightmare.
"Yeah I'm sorry Mr. Olson I knocked a kid over and helped him clean his things up. I won't be late again I swear!" I pray he won't make me get a late slip.
"Fine I'll let it slide. Sit down and listen to me teach or fail I don't care to much."
I didn't pay attention I was trying to place a name on the boy I met.

//AN: this is the end of chapter one, hope you enjoyed//

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