He loves to tease (⚠️smut continues⚠️)

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Kellins Pov:
"Don't get all shy on me now Kellybear?" Just said in a very teasing tone. But the nickname he just called me caught my attention more than the comment about me going shy. My face dark red as I meet eyes with him "Kellybear? When did you make up that nickname?" He looks to me "you don't like it?" He asked head tilted to the side "I do like it! It's cute I just don't know how yo-" "Kellybear, your overthinking the nickname and stalling~" he was right that I was stalling but I also was curious. I nod softly "you ready then hot stuff" I raise my eyebrow looking up at him.  I slowly brought my lips to the end of his cock and waited for him to nod signalling me to begin, I glance up and say the nod so I slowly allowed his cock to enter my mouth. I allowed myself to fully take in what was about to begin and I started to suck, bobbing my head up and down, I started off slow and then picked up my speed which got a groan out of him.  I kept speeding up and getting more rough with it Justin's hand slowly reached around to the back of my head and grip at my hair tightly. I whines a little and then just picked up my pace more and more as my revenge for his random intent to pull my hair.
"Kellin! Holy fuck your amazing at this!" Justin gave me a compliment I can't really respond as well. You know why I can't it's also just rude to talk with your mouth full. I could tell Justin was reaching his limit. I've never exactly ever do anything like this but god does this feel so amazing I don't know why I waited so long to do anything like this. Out of nowhere Justin's phone rang, Justin glanced to the caller ID to read "Jack FLOWER" purposely spelt as flower instead of Fowler. Justin has no chill and answers the call which I was shocked but kept doing what I was doing. Though watching Justin try to speak to jack well this way was super hilarious. "Where the fuck are you Justin! We have a lab in science today I need you!" Jack was screaming on the other end, "r-relax figure it out....*whispers* holy fuck...." I was making Justin struggle to speak which I found funny I chucked. "....Justin, are you in the middle of beating your dick?!" Jack says in horror "n-no I'm in the middle of it being sucked." Justin then hung up and grabbed at my hair again "kels, I'm close. Really close...I don't know if I can hold back from" as he tried to finish his sentence my mouth now filled with cum, he looked at me and pulled out he looked sorry in away as he looked straight at me. My choices were ruin his fucking carpet I'm kneeling on or swallow. I locked eyes with him as I made my decision and swallowed it. The pure look of shock on his face was priceless, I reached back and pull my hair out of the ponytail. "That was more fun than I thought it would be!" I said with a huge smirk across my face which only caused him to smirk back at me. "You did amazing at that baby~" he then placed a hand on my neck and kissed me roughly. "It's now my turn to show you my talents, time to lose those boxers and get to the main act~" Justin said as he then bit my neck causing me to moan "holy fuck Jus- enough with the talk and just get to work!~" I plead him, he then picked me up and dropped me on the bed, hands on the side of my boxers now.
Justins Pov:
My hands now resting on Kellin's hip where I grabbed the sides of his boxers. I look to him, he has such a pretty face his features suit him so well and his small figure is beautiful. "Are you ready for this?" I ask him super flirty tone. He blushes more and more by the minute and nods softly "ready as I'll ever be!" He says softly, I slowly slip his boxers off. I bit my lip softly staring at his member he definitely wasn't small but I'm proud that my dick is bigger fill my own ego a little there. He was about 5 inches, I slowly run my hand up his thighs and look at him with a thirsty ass look "god your hot baby." I move my hands and get off the bed and open my bedroom drawer open. I find a condom in my drawer and then dig deeper for a bottle of lube. I place the end condom packet in my mouth and smirk look to kellin as I rip the packet open. "That was strangely hot as hell there Jus~ are you going to tease me forever hottie? Or are we going to get to work!?" Kellin says to me all innocently and cutely. "You're innocent act is cute but we both know your far from innocent baby~" I spread his legs and leaned down into his face "you seem to joy me biting you and when I pull your hair~ and the look you gave me when I lightly choked you made me start to get hard to begins with" I said all this in a low voice while rubbing on his chest and then I slide my hand to his neck and squeezed "admit it Kellin, your a kinky fuck aren't you?" I said now pulling his card and smiling innocently, he softly moaned and locked eyes with me "I am very kinky." He said in a low voice which made me smirk as I roughly kissed him "that's what I thought." I back off and now grabbed his legs and put them on my shoulders as I properly put the condom on. "Now before the main event. Let's stretch you out a little" I said with a huge smirk on my face as I make a scissor motion with my fingers giving him a hint that that's how I'm going in first with my very handy hands and fingers. This will be so fun to hear the sounds this gets out Kellin. "Let's begin." I say as I pick the lube up.

//thank you for reading

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