Comforting my friends.

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Justin pov:
It's been a few hours since I spoke to
Kellin over text, he's a super sweet boy. Though from what I've noticed he lacks some self confidence and self esteem. Sitting at my desk for homework I started to think about how apparently my friends treat him, I picked my phone up and decide to text all of them in the group chat. The chat name was changed by Charlie once again. I guess I'm one of his bitches now.
-Charlie's bitches-
Me: boys, I have a fucking question pick your phones up.

Jack: what's up Jus?

Noah: Justin!! I haven't seen you all day where we're you!

Charlie: he was probably being gay somewhere

Cody: Charlie, one your gay and two what's wrong with being gay?

Charlie: one Cody I am gay surprise and two nothing. Also Cody I saw you talking to Maxx

Cody: ....touché and I watched you tongue Johnny today.

Charlie: touché part 2. Anyways what's up Justin?

Me: what I just read should have been shocking but it really wasn't. Anyways I think I have a crush on someone...and apparently you hate the person! But either way I'm going after them weather you approve or not.

Cody: who is it?

Jack: the outcast boy.

Charlie: Quinn?

Noah: ....That's his last name actually it's his middle name. His real last name is Bostwick..

Me: yeah. Well it's Kellin Quinn. And I have a crush on him.

Jack: but he's so weird and creepy.

Cody: I don't actually think Kellins awful he's usually my partner in music class. He's talented just got serious anxiety. I have nothing bad to say about him. He's just scared of others. So which one you you guys are being a fucking dick.

Noah: ....sorry but I'm snitching. Jack and Charlie are so constantly mean to him. I'm not friends with Kellin and sure I think he's a little strange but, if he makes Justin happy. Fine by me.

Charlie: oh Justin you are very fucking dumb. Kellin? Jack went to elementary with him.

Jack: he's such a fucked up kid Justin. You really wanna deal with daddy issues? All the negative things your gonna hear him say? And have you ever seen him eat a single thing, talk to anyone besides his group of morons. Mattys the most annoying person ever. Jorel and Danny are the worlds most annoying couple of this school now. Spencer is probably a murder. And Vic scares me he's a small angry Mexican.

Me: I really don't give a fuck. Stop talking like you know him so well! And thanks Noah and Cody for your support.

-I leave the group chat out of anger-
Who the fuck does Jack and Charlie think they are? I reach for my phone again and open Kellins contact I text him a innocent "are you awake?" I wait for a reply for awhile I look at the time and it's 1 am, he's probably asleep. I sigh sadly as I really wanted to speak with him. Dam it Kellin, I lay down in bed and feel my phone go off like 34 mins later. "I'm awake now, I passed out in a towel still half soaking wet. I'm so annoyed by it." I read Kellins text and become happy to see his name on my phone screen. He's awake now I have someone to talk to who won't piss me off unlike Jack and Charlie.
The conversation I had with kellin didn't last to long as he made me go to bed since it was late, he said he'd ignore me if I didn't get some sleep! He played his cards well because it got me to listen to him quick, I laid in bed thinking of away to get closer to him and then to eventually plan a way to ask him out. I sighed annoyed not having many ideas at the moment, in the back of my mind I had a bad feeling about tomorrow like something was going to happen, but I shake it off. I was being over dramatic everything is fine. I stared at my ceiling for awhile as my eyelids started to feel heavy, I slowly then drifted off to sleep. I woke up around 5 am to go the the bathroom and saw I had a text from Cody so I read it quickly "Justin, you said that you played base forever ago. Well, the boy your interested in. Is a insanely talented vocalist and song writer. You grew up with gabe and know he's a drummer, I'm like 75% sure his boyfriend Jesse is a guitarist. And call me crazy but, if you get Jack to join maybe his thoughts on Kellin will change, as Jack plays guitar also. Just late night thought..." I stared at the text, Cody gave me an idea for a band, I could bring the idea to Kellins attention, I've heard him sing and he's amazing but I've never seen his own song writing now I'm curious. I know Cody knows this all because he has music class with Kellin, and I'll trust Cody's words over any of the guys I hang with! I laid back in bed and dreamt about being in a band with Kellin and my god it was the gayest thing ever, it was so perfect.

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