The run in with parents.

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Justins Pov:
I woke to a phone ringing and it was Kellins phone, I glanced at it since it was ringing I noticed the call ID saying mom. I shook Kellin lightly "Kellin, Kellin! Your mom is calling." I glanced to him as his eyes shot open "pass me my phone!" I grab his phone and pass him it he answers the call I look to him very worried he's about to get in so much trouble. "Yes mom?" He put it on speaker because of the look on my face. We both think he's about to get murder by her. "I have two emails saying your missed first period and second period! And I went home to see if you were sick and your not home! Kellin where are you?!" His mom didn't sound mad more worried. Which made me a little suspicious. "With someone right now" he sighed softly "Kellin. I really don't buy it." She sounded scared in away, he looked to me "I can prove it, Justin say hello..." he pushed the phone towards me "hello Ms" I say "hello Justin. *she said now with a happy tone* if your not at school where are you two?" She said now curious "his house..." Kellin mumbled his mom let out little squeal "your at a boys house?! And skipping school?! Do you like him you never do stuff like this!" She was overly excited which made me laugh "yeah Kellin do you like me?" I say in a teasing tone. "Both of you suck right now." Kellin sounded so done "yes it's because I like him mom.." Kellin admits to her "I sure hope you like me after everything today!" I realize what I just said and slapped a hand over my mouth. "Justin, you can now speak to her and listen to her fangirl. I ain't listening to it!" He passed me the phone "we're you two on a date!?" She asked "yeah, we went to get some breakfast and after it decided to head to my place and I asked him out...." His mom was giggling "so your his boyfriend now!?" I looked to Kellin to see if I should say he nods softly "I am his boyfriend!" I say proudly "well I'm Mary I'm his mom! I hope I'll get to meet you in person!" Kellin looked so embarrassed right now, his face was bright red. "I hope so too!" I say happily "so what did you two do after?" She asked having a bit of a clue but Kellin grabbed my pillow and shoved his face in it which I laughed at. "I don't know if your son wants me to say...he looks like he's about to die of embarrassment..." I say as I pat his head "man fuck my kid, I wanna know the gossip." She has no chill and I love it "his gay ass has been single and virgin for to long. I make fun of him for it." I started laughing "Kellin does she actually?" "Yes! Every fucking day!" He whines and shoves his face back in the pillow. He's so fucking cute! "Well you can't make fun of him for either of those anymore as they ain't true!" I say looking at Kellin mildly dying "finally. Fucking finally!" Mary said sounded so satisfied. "Mom please stop talking!" Kellin whines grabs the phone from me. "Fine, fine I'll leave you and Justin~ alone" she said as she hung up, Kellin through his phone and I grabbed him and pulled him back to me and pulled the blankets over us "you seem so embarrassed over that call~ are you okay babe?" I tilt his head up, he looks away "super embarrassed but I'm good" I make him look at me and then I kiss him closing my eyes, I felt him kiss back right away. I pulled away and bopped his nose "your fine" I say stroking his cheek "I am now" he says blushing and smiling. God I have the cutest boyfriend ever.

//next chapter will be dark

Heaven on earth (Sws fanfic. Justin x Kellin)Where stories live. Discover now