Are we really doing to do this (⚠️ smut⚠️)

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Kellin's Pov:

Justin swings the door to his bedroom wide open, he walks backwards holding my hand the whole time. "The huge smirk across your face right now it's very cute" I say in a super teasing tone "you have a nice smirk on your face too there you can't play innocent" he says pulled me towards him. I landed face first in chest I giggle. Justin spun me around and shoved me down on his bed, I gasp and looked up at him "woah there you seen edger as hell now~" Justin made me lay completely down lay down, I mess with the bottom of his shirt. We exchange glance he softly chuckles and sits on the bed, I sit up and take the shirt up over his head and stare at him in complete awe. He was so fucking fit it was unbelievable, I bit my lip and he grabs my hand and places my hand on his abs "you can do more than just look, you can touch as well~" I feel his abs and slide my hand up his chest my fast bright red the whole time! "Holy fuck. One god I'm jealous of your figure. Two, your skin is so god dam soft~" I say still in complete awe. "Why don't you lose some layer~" he says I swear my stomach dropped to my feet "I- maybe if it was darker-" Justin rolls his eyes and turns the lights off "better princess?" He says mocking me "no, but fine." He walks over and pulls my hoodie up over my head. "You look perfectly fine! Your beautiful" guess the lights worked in my favour after all, or he's blind. It's not like I was worried about my figure...I definitely don't have abs but I'm small. I was more scared of if he saw scars. I don't know how'd he'd react, but with the lights out in this room it's pretty dark so he might not notice. I pray he doesn't because I really just want to do this with him. And not get into that side of my life. I felt a pair of lips up against mine Justin snapped me out of snapping out with and kiss. I quickly kissed back and started giggling "sorry I was stargazing in space again~" I say Justin sat back down and pulled me into his lap we began heavily making out. I could slowly feel myself getting turned on by this action more and more as it went on.
His hands trailed down my body, his hands were now on my ass as we continued to make out. My hands were free so I yanked on the waist of his sweatpants showing I wanted them off he looked to me breaking the kiss for a moment. "Take them off yourself your highness~" my face bright red "maybe I will then!" I got off his lap and slowly slid off his sweatpants, he was already semi hard. My smirk grew bigger "so you are enjoying this~" he then grabbed me by my face right after. "How could I not? For someone who's a virgin your quite a natural at this baby~" he gave me a soft kiss on the cheek and then neck "I'm only good at this because of my amazing teacher in front of me" I say smiling innocently "your so fucking adorable!" He kisses all over my face, he then pulled me in by the waist band of my tight ass ripped black jeans and whispered to me "my turn to take you pants off~" he said as he quickly slipped them off before I even realized, which these jeans were tight so I don't know how he did that so easily. I look to him fast we both were now in our boxers. I felt kind of bold in the moment, as the next words out of my mouth was "do you have a hair tie?" He looked at me totally shocked knowing why I asked. "Are you serious?" He asked jaw dropped, I simply nodded. Justin got up and walked to the bathroom to find a hair tie and handed it to me, it was pink and sparkly "it's my sisters. Don't give me that look." I laugh as I tie my long hair back "I knew it wasn't yours but I'm still judging it." I say as I got off the bed and down on my knees. "Kay, ready?" I ask looking at him, he nodded and slid his boxers down revealing his member to me. I turned dark red right away, Justin Hills was fucking packing a huge cock. "Oh wow...." I say in complete shock which made him laugh "what thought it was going to be small?" I shake my head no quickly "no, but not this huge either! I was thinking about 5-6 inches....but I'm super wrong!" I saw getting very shy and flustered about all this.

Heaven on earth (Sws fanfic. Justin x Kellin)Where stories live. Discover now