Chapter 1

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Author Note: Okay, I swear at some point I will probably switch over to exclusively using AO3 cause it's exhausting using both sites, but today is not that day.

Anyways, here's a new story that's been floating around in my head lately. Hope yall enjoy!


"What the hell do you mean you're bringing in an outside Alpha?" Hongjoong yells at the manager in front of them. Hands braced on the table from where he slammed out of his chair at the news.

The others curl into each other, San is quick to grab Wooyoung's hand who looks about ready to faint at the news. Yeonsang and Jongho gravitate towards each other, while Yunho and Mingi pull Seongwha into the middle of where they sit on the couch. All the scents in the room have turned sour causing 3 of the 4 omega members to start spiraling, only Hongjoong's sense of responsibility as leader stops him from doing the same.

"I don't know what you expected." The manager says with a huff while looking at the rest of the staff for back up before continuing, "You're a pack with 4 omegas and 4 betas. You need an alpha to keep you in line. It's not healthy to leave you like this. The agency we went through is considered the best when it comes to finding compatible mates. You should be perfectly happy with this Alpha, they were picked especially for you."

"That's not the point and you know it." Mingi hisses while still trying to keep a hold on the omega sandwiched between him and the other beta.

The manager looks skyward, before leveling them all with a glare, desperation becoming apparent in his voice, "What would you have us do?! You need protection. You need an alpha that can fight for you. We had hoped at least one of you would present as an alpha to avoid this, but your pack cannot continue down this path without an Alpha. It's not safe. I thought the experience you had with Yeonsang at the last fan meet should have shown that. That fan was almost able to alpha order him into bonding with them on the spot. We can't risk that happening to any of you again." The betas of the pack go to start speaking, "And you should all remember that bonding with a beta isn't enough to block out the instinctual need for an alpha." Their mouths shut and the rebuke, "Please. Stop fighting us on this. Your new pack alpha will be here any minute. I promise you'll like them if you give her a chance."

"Her?" Wooyoung says while sounding like he's choking. Although, that might be from the overwhelming sense of alpha coming down the hallway. All of them can feel the aura being given off and it's honestly staggering. Hongjoong ends up having to sit down from how weak his knees become.

The door opens to a woman with purple hair pulled back into a high ponytail. She stands fairly tall when compared to the staff member next to her. A blue and grey plaid flannel is thrown over a skintight grey tank top. A pair of dark skinny jeans covers long legs that end in a pair of black sneakers. She walks in the room and sprawls onto one of the open armchairs, face in a scowl not seemingly aware of anyone else in the room.

One of the managers is able to finally break through her oppressive atmosphere after a couple minutes, but all they manage is a squeak. It's enough, though, because her head snaps to the others, eyes going wide. It's like a vacuum goes off as the oppressive aura recedes backwards quickly until there's only a slight murderous energy coming from her.

"Apologies" she says with a slight bow, "the person who brought me here made it sound like I was going to wait in this room to be introduced, not that I was being brought into an active meeting. My name is Avery, as you probably know. I'm the alpha you commissioned from the matching agency."

The manager coughs a couple times, "Yes... um... thank you. These 8 are the pack you will be taking over."

Her eyes run down the row of members before turning back to the staff members, eyebrow arching, "They don't look like this was something they asked for."

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