Chapter 6

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The car ride back to the den was silent. Avery was wrapped between San and Hongjoong in the back seat. Both omegas seemed to be struggling with their instincts. San had plastered himself to Avery's side while Hongjoong seemed to be fighting a need to scent her, instead opting to continue rubbing their wrists together. The rest of the pack remained silent, though all three betas took turns glancing towards the three in the back seat.

When they walked through the door into the dorm Hongjoong finally spoke up, "You know, our company treats us really well."

Avery smiles softly and nods her head, readjusting San against her side and he leans more fully into her. "I'm glad to hear that. I understand my announcement in the meeting was probably shocking. Thank you for trusting me during it." She looks around the room to make eye contact with all members of the pack before extending her hand towards Hongjoong, pausing and letting him move the last distance to nuzzle his face into her palm, "I promise no decisions on anything related to your careers will every be made without you. I'm just trying to do the best I can for you."

"What's that mean?" Jongho asks.

"Well." Avery starts, nodding to Yunho in thanks as he gently pulls San off of her, "Your pack technically wasn't recognized before. You were all viewed as independents, meaning the company wasn't required to give you certain benefits. I'm not sure what they have and haven't given you. Hence why I want to be able to have discussions with you about where it is each of you wants things to go. Now that you have an established Alpha, I can more easily negotiate for you. It's an unfortunate reality of the world we live in that people are much more willing to give alphas what they ask for, especially when negotiating on behalf of a pack." The pack members turn to look at each other, most having an expression of frustration on their faces, "But I think that's a topic for another day. Why don't you give me a quick tour of the den, then I can get my own things set up in the room your company arranged."

Seonghwa nods, taking control of the situation and grabbing Avery's hand, "I'm not sure where they put you, if I'm honest, so guess we get to play a door guessing game."

They showed her the kitchen, common areas, and where each of their personal rooms was. They'd also pointed to the end of the hall where their group nest was located. Avery nodded and smiled throughout the tour, watching as most of the members dropped off at their respective rooms, until it was just her and two of the betas. She'd purposely not gone near the group nest, prompting Yunho to ask, "Don't you want to go inspect that?"

Mingi nods, "Yeah, don't alphas normally want to scent their territory?"

Avery laughs, "That's a male alpha thing. I like to think I'm a little more mature than that." She shakes her head, "Besides it's not my territory. I'll wait until the pack as a whole asks me to be in there."

The two betas stare at her before shaking their heads. Yunho's brows furrow, "I feel like we've opened every door and haven't found your stuff yet. You're sure they delivered it?"

Avery nods, "Yep. I could probably hunt it down if you aren't opposed to letting me do a scent hunt in the dorm."

They both shrug, "Go for it. We're at a loss." Mingi says.

Avery nods, before closing her eyes and lowering a bit into her aura. It flares out a bit as she opens her eyes and she uses her enhanced sense to start sniffing out her own scent, managing to block out what her body is giving off. She trails down the other hallway, head turning from left to right before landing on the one door they hadn't opened yet. She pulls herself back out of her aura, shaking her head as her ears start ringing, "Looks like it's this room."

Mingi frowns, staring at the door, "That's not a room, though, that's an old storage closet."

Avery shrugs, pushing the door open to see Mingi is right. There is a lofted bed, slightly bigger than a twin, along one side of the room, with a desk set up underneath it. Next to the doorway, barely fitting in the space, is a standing wardrobe. She glances around the space, walking inside. Her computer is set up on the desk, and when she opens the wardrobe it looks like someone unpacked her clothes for her.

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