Chapter 10

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Getting into the pack nest was... something. Avery had excused herself to the bathroom, quickly changing into the tank top and shorts Seonghwa had brought. Coming back out she found Seonghwa talking quietly to Hongjoong, who was sitting on the floor against the door. Both sets of eyes turn to her and Hongjoong whines. She starts to move towards him, but the oldest omega grabs her arm and cautions her, "Careful. He's not very fond of skinship. I just don't want him reacting badly to you in this state and causing both of you unnecessary hurt."

She gives Seonghwa a quick hug of thanks before slowly approaching the shaking omega in front of her. She smiles, dropping her voice a little and cooing at him, "Come here, darling. I've got you." Hongjoong whines again at her, and she has to fight down the instinct to just grab him. "My brave Captain. I know, it's so very hard to let go, but I've got you. I'll protect the pack. You're safe, darling, let yourself drop."

He stares at her, a low warble coming from his lips causing his brow to furrow, he coughs once and manages to get out, "Promise?"

Avery smiles again, softer this time, reaching out a hand with its pinky finger extended. Hongjoong shakily loops his through hers and she presses a quick kiss to their linked hands, "Promise." That's all the reassurance he needs before scrambling towards her on unsteady limbs, wrapping himself around her and burrowing his head into her neck. Avery stands up, holding him around the waist and whispering, "Go ahead and drop, Hongjoong, I'll be here when you come back up."

Seonghwa moves next to her, reaching a hand out to run through Hongjoong's hair, "It takes me forever to convince him to drop. Normally we have to wait until no one else is around. It's not particularly... healthy." He blushes and bows his head.

Avery looks at her oldest omega, "You did the best you could. That's another reason I'm here, we'll work on making sure you all get to drop enough. Besides, if I had to guess the reason dropping is hard for him, it's probably a combination of being the leader of your group, and that you're not that much older than him. Whereas I'm at least a full year older than him, and you for that matter." Seonghwa looks a bit offended and Avery is quick to add, "It's obvious how much he values and cares about you Seonghwa, but it's hard for omegas close in age to guide each other into drops. I know he views you as his hyung and you've done an amazing job with his pack. Our biology is just stupid sometimes and doesn't run on the same wavelengths as our brains."

"Well then, what about you? What are you going to do?" he asks forcefully.

Avery tilts her head, "What about me?"

"You're the oldest of this pack. Who's going to help you drop? We help Wooyoung with it all the time, but none of us would be able to help you." He asks, gaze moving back up to her face.

Avery Laughs a little, "I keep forgetting that your pack doesn't have a lot of experience with alphas. Wooyoung drops because he's a soft alpha. I don't have that instinct. If I did, though, I'm fairly certain our betas would be more than able to handle getting me into a drop. I don't really have an issue with age differences as I respond more to dominant energies." Seonghwa brow is furrowed, and he starts opening his mouth, but Avery pats his shoulder, "Don't worry I'll show all of you how I regulate at some point in the near future." She sighs, "Though that'll mean we'll have to take Hyungwoo up on his offer for a pack dinner, the bastard."

Seonghwa giggles and guides them to pack nest, one eye on Hongjoong the entire time. As they enter, Avery catches sight of the rest of the pack, and feels a fixation come on strong. She'd promised one of her omegas she'd take care of everyone, she wasn't going to fail him.

Holding Hongjoong tight to her, she moves around the room, pushing and pulling members in various directions so that everyone has someone with them. She also makes sure, multiple times, that she can see everyone from the place Seonghwa is sitting.

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