Chapter 1:Part 7

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Of all the people Keith expected to show up here, this silver eyed smoker wasn't one of them. He especially hadn't expected to be dragged into a conversation about his wounds either. Keith looked away from the ginger, his face was hot with embarrassment, "it's not my fault..." he mumbled softly to himself.
"Then who's fault is it?" The stranger questioned further, staring blankly ahead while taking a drag from his cigarette.
"It... it was..." he choked, his throat clenching, he brought a hand up to his mouth to conceal a silent sob. After a minute or two, he was able to speak again, "I dont... want to talk about it. I should... uh, really go..." he mumbled the words as he stood, however, the ginger grabbed his wrist before he could walk away. Keith would have immediately pulled away and ran for it if he wasn't so out of it mentally.
"...At least let me fix your wraps before you leave. The way you wrapped them is an eyesore."

The grip he had on Keith's arm was firm, but gentle. If Keith wanted to he could've easily pulled away his hand and walk off but... there was something that kept him from leaving. (Like some sort of fanfiction plot or something... he didn't quite know.) It was obvious that the ginger had realized his hesitation, because after a few moments he pulled Keith lightly back to the bench.

Keith sat down as the taller man began to unwrap the medical bandages on his arms. He watched as he untangled the wraps on his right hand.
"God... you still have shit in your hands," the ginger began, "what is this? Porcelain?" Keith could barely keep his eyes open, let alone process his question. Maybe that was why he didn't pull away when he had grabbed his arm. Maybe he was too tired to fight back, or maybe he desperately wanted help. Keith was just glad it wasn't Cherry that grabbed his arm. "...broken plate." He responded.

The ginger averted his gaze from the medical wraps for a second to look him in the eyes. He sighed, closed his eyes, muttered something to himself about a pair of tweezers, and started to unwrap the second arm. After he had untangled both wraps, he began to neatly wrap them around each of Keith's hands. He took the ends of the wrap and smoothed them down with his thumb to make them stick. It was a strange feeling, for someone else to look out for him, however it was a welcome feeling. After the taller man was done it looked... professional. The wraps stuck to his hands and he didn't feel like his circulation was being cut off.

"Thanks... uh," Keith tried to remember if he had been given a name yet.
"Pico." The other replied, "who are you?"
Keith looked up from his hands and into Pico's silver eyes, "Oh. It's Keith." Pico stood up, "Well Keith, it's late. You should go home. You look exhausted."

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