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Persephone paced back and forth in her chambers. She couldn't stop thinking about last night, the way she spoke to Hades, it felt so unlike her.

She thought she disliked him. Their conversation seemed to have turned the world upside down. His eyes made contact with hers, and his small smile made her body tingle.

Sunrise was now nearing, and she was well aware he had a lot of work to do; so she wanted to spend time with him as early as possible.

She didn't tell Electra about it, though.

She left her chambers wearing only a simple long-sleeved dress and a cloak. The palace appeared dead, and she could not hear or see the chittering servants who would greet her with smiles or nods.

He was already outside the gates of the palace,
standing by the chariot and taming his horses.

"Now, now, she won't hurt you, she's a very nice lady."

"I'm a nice lady?" she teased, grinning as he
turned his head.

"Oh," Hades' cheeks flushed. A flattering shade of pink. "Good morning. Are you ready?"

"I am," she mumbled, smiling affectionately at the horses and Cerberus, who appeared right at her side, wagging his tail and panting happily. "Hello, Cerby, be a good boy while we're away, OK?"


"Cerberus is quite a long name for a dog. And besides, 'Cerby' is a cute nickname for someone who's actually adorable." she smiled, stroking the dog's head.

He blushed pink again before clearing his throat. She took his hand, much to his surprise, and climbed aboard his chariot.

"Just hold on tight to me, alright?" he said, looking at her.

She nodded her head, and before she knew it, he had already taken off. Fast.

The strong wind blew the hood of her cloak away from her head. Persephone felt herself gasp in unease before tightly wrapping her arms around him and closing her eyes.

"Open your eyes." she felt his breath against her ear.

She hesitantly did so, and when she did, she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

Below them, was Elysium. The grass was blooming with silver and gold flowers. She could see people - only a few though - laughing merrily and some were waving at them.

Persephone recognized the Isles of the Blest, a glittering blue lake with three small islands, as belonging to those who chose to be born three times and achieve Elysium.

"It's beautiful," she whispered in awe.

"Yes it is," she heard him say. "Would you like to see my workplace in Judgement Tower?"

"I'd love to, Hades," she said and waved at the residents of Elysium. "Well, Electra and I briefly visited, but only for a few minutes."

It wasn't long before they finally reached Judgement Tower. It was not really a tower, but rather a palace, albeit smaller than Hades' grand one. Persephone wondered why at first, but dismissed it. She jokingly thought of the words 'Judgement Pavilion' in her mind, but Judgement Tower sounded better.

Guards were patrolling the entrance and every corner of every room, and some couldn't help but whisper as she strode by.

"Your Majesty."

Persephone looked up and saw three ladies with their heads bowed and curtsying. They all stood together and wore silk, midnight blue cloaks with hoods that covered their eyes.

𝐓𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐕𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄  ➤  𝒉𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒉𝒐𝒏𝒆Where stories live. Discover now