9. Expansion Of Multiverse

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Few weeks later Laura gave birth to a baby boy. Clint named him Cooper Emmanuel Barton. Natasha asked Steve if it was the same name in his timeline also. And he nodded in agreement. Natasha was nearly six months of pregnant now.

So Steve and Clint denied her to do anything which could be harmful for the baby. Clint and both Steve were on the search of the quantum trackers.

So once Clint invited Steve to his house to talk about it more. He reached there on time, Steve, Natasha and Clint sat in his living room. Laura also knew about this whole drama so there was no problem of hiding.

Steve looked at his pastself as he sat across him on the couch," Hello Jounior. " Steve rolled his eyes as Clint and Natasha laughed at him.

Clint cleared his throat," So..back to the business, what would we do next ?"

Steve shighed," I've been thinking about it lately. Quantum technology is so advanced, so Pierce couldn't even understand waht that is. So using it is far more impossible. The only option he has is, he may give that to some researcher, some kinda scientist. Just like our Tony Stark. "

Natasha shook her head," I don't think he would've given to Stark, if So, the world would've already known about it. Because he has that contagious disease of showing off. "

Steve nodded with a smile," That makes sense. Though he's changed over the years, his playboy, philanthropist and genius character would never go away. " Then he looked at Steve, " Can you stay hidden for some time? I'll talk to Stark about it. He must have some clue if our assumptions are true. "

He shighed but nodded. They talked for few moments then Steve decided to leave. Steve walked with him till his car. " I know you're stressed out because of me, but..."

Steve nodded in understanding," I get it. Time flow will be disturbed if you couldn't go back to your real world. I just can't handle it alone. "

He stopped on his track and turned at him," You can recruit a team though. You goes for your morning walk right?" He nodded." You'll find an ex air commander, Sam Wilson. He would be a great friend. Always stay by your side.  " Steve nodded saying he would meet him.

He turned at him again,"Another one, you know your front door neighbour? Sharon? "

Steve nodded," Yeah kind of. We greet each other here and there. She's a nurse in a local hospital.."

He interrupted him with a smile," She's not a nurse. She's an undercover SHIELD agent. In case you wanna know, she likes you. "

He whipped his head at her," What ?!!No I don't think so. She seems nice but..."

He laughed a little," I know right? And she is nice. You should get to know about her more. "

Steve blushed, almost identical to the futureself of him. " By the way, don't you think...you're getting a little close more than necessary...to Na..I mean..Ms Romanoff ?"

Steve faked a gasp at him," What ?! I'm trying to set you up with Sharon and you're having a crush on Natasha?!"

Steve stuttered for answer," No..I don't.. I was just curious. "

He laughed," Common, admit it. You were mesmerized by her red hairs as soon as you saw her picture in her file Fury had given to you. "

Steve just rolled his eyes and stepped inside the car," That's a lie. "

Steve nodded with a laugh," Okay fine. But ask Sharon out, I bet she'll say yes. She likes you Stevie boy. "

He shook his head as he started the car," I'll never become this annoying in my future. " And drove off ahead.

Next day Steve visited Stark Tower. He entered inside his lab as he saw Tony was in deep thought. He walked up to him," Hey Tony."

Tony turned around," Were we close friends in our past?"

He shook his head with a smile," Not in our past, but we will be in future. "

He looked back to his computer," Why are you here anyway? I'm quite busy here. "

Steve walked ahead and sat across him," You're alone here so I thought I should give you company. " He looked at the files shattered on the table," What are you looking at?"

Tony looked up to him," Will you listen to me whatever I'm gonna blabber? ", he nodded at him. Tony shighed then continued," I've a old friend, Justin Hammer. Recently I heard he's working on something..very advanced technology.  Don't know who appointed him though. "

Steve became curious as he thought if he was talking about his quantum sute. " Advanced means? Any kind of research or something?"

Tony nodded, still busy in his computer," Yeah, mechanics properties. I don't think you'll understand. "

He tilted his head with a smirk," Is that, quantum mechanics?"

Tony paused for some seconds, then looked at him," How do you know?"

He shrugged his shoulder, feeling proud of himself," Told you, talk to me clearly whatever you thinking. "

Tony looked at him seriously," Okay, so my old pal Hammer is working on quantum mechanics technology. Which has no proper text book till now, just some basic research papers. He's trying to create directional mechanism. "

Steve knew some bits and pieces when Tony was explaining everything about time machine in his real timeline. " Like some...compass? Today's modern GPS system?"

Tony's eyes widened," I'm having doubt if you're really from 1940s." Steve chuckled shaking his head. " Atomic reduction value, with energy flow in negative direction. With speed and time density. " He shook his head, thinking deeply. He suddenly looked at him," Time tracking device!!"

Steve nodded," There you go. With GPS control connectivity. "

Tony slammed his hand on the table," Time tracking with GPS control. It means...bloody Hammer is working on Time Machine !!!"

Steve nodded at him," And we need to get that. It's not some experimental toy."

Tony narrowed his eyes at him," Wait a minute, How do you know about it?"

He shighed ," You know I work for SHIELD. You know Pierce ? The boss of the boss, big boss?" ,Tony nodded. " He got it from somewhere and trying to use it for his evil intentions. "

Tony leaned back on his chair," But isn't it a great invention? If he successfully..."

Steve almost yelled at him," He can cause some serious trouble. Think about it. If he'll manage to travel in time, What can he do? If someone from future comes to you before the  start of Stark Industries , and messed up your plans, what you'll do? There are just fewest people who understands the quote ' with great power comes great responsibility '. They would be obsessed about that power and use according to their wish. "

Tony shighed but nodded," You're right, kind of. So what do you suggest?"

" Let's knock some sense in that Hammer's head. "

Tony chuckled," Damn, capsicle. You're turning violent. So when do we start ?"

He stood up from his seat," We'll have some help also. Clint and Natasha, another two maybe. "

Tony looked at him in surprise," You told them about it?!"

He rolled his eyes," They're my partners, so ofcors. So shall we start tomorrow?"

Tony thought about it for a moment," Sure thing, Captain. " Steve shook hands with him with a smile. Tony was right, Starks and Rogers are meant to be.

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